Bonus - "Happily Ever After"

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Shiina Kisaragi's POV:

I want to see you.
Come over.

I had a strong feeling this wasn't Kamakiri.

I was certain it wasn't him. Akiya had gotten a hold of his phone; was pulling the strings, assuming I wouldn't notice.

If, by chance, though, it wasn't Akiya. If Daisuke Kamakiri truly was on the other side of the screen right now. . .

Chastising my irregular pulse, I paced fervently around my bedroom. It wasn't like him. I'd understand if I was the one texting him this sentimental mush. We were on spring vacation, and I spent the last couple of days across the country visiting Chie's side of the family. Therefore, we hadn't gotten to see each other for a fair amount of time. Did he miss me? I notified him I'd be back today, so if the one texting me was indeed Akiya, Kamakiri would've had to inform him.

Was he messing with me, then?

I wouldn't put it past him.

He teased me for a sport.

Flopping into my bed, I pressed my thumbs to the keypad of my device. On the off chance it was Akiya, should I fire back with something random to startle him? Then again, if it was Kamakiri, and he genuinely longed to see me, I'd have ruined taking advantage of one of the rare moments he was this honest about his feelings.

What do I do?

A joke? Something sappy?

Ugh, but if I wrote something sappy, he would have another thing to tease me about!

Send whatever flowery garbage you're thinking on the way here.
How long do you intend to keep your owner waiting?

It was him.

As I came to terms with it, my heart liquified, and a silly smile pinned my lips. So, he missed me that much?

I snuck a glance at my bedroom door. In the hallway, Chie and Mao were having an elaborate conversation, not that I had a clue what about. I skimmed the mess I'd made when emptying my bags—primarily, my strewn clothes and souvenirs.

I haven't unpacked yet.

It doesn't have to be for long,
just let me see you.

"I'm going out," I hollered, high-tailing it out the door.

Chie offered shouted of confusion while Mao, quick on the uptake, wasn't impressed.

"What does she see in him?"


In hindsight, Kamakiri inviting me over when things were still rocky with his dad, and he regularly found any excuse to be anywhere but home, should've garnered my confusion. Nevertheless, I ran at the speed of light—arrived at his doorstep in such a short amount of time even I was mortified. Sparing a moment to catch my breath, I fidgeted from foot to foot, killing what little time I could. I should wait another five minutes. If I rapped my knuckles against the wood now, and he commented on my swiftness, I'd die of embarrassment.

"What? You were that desperate to see me? If I told you to go fetch, would you do it too?"

I could hear his dripping sarcasm now.

Come on, Shiina. He invited you over. The faster I got here, the merrier he should be, logically. I could accept him teasing me about how attached I was to him if it meant being reunited that much sooner. In no way or form was I setting my expectations too high by imagining he'd wrap me up in his arms the moment these doors pried apart. No. Of course I wasn't.

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