𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧; 𝐠

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i groaned as i rolled out of bed and headed toward my closet. it's currently five pm and i've been laying around like a slob all day, but now i had to attend a huge promotion party for my dads best friend. rich people wearing rich clothes and drinking rich champagne, sounds like a blast. note the sarcasm.

oh i forgot to mention. my dads best friend, sean, also happens to be the father of my best friend ethan and his twin brother grayson, who also happens to be my ex boyfriend. we dated, he broke up with me out of no where and left me to wonder what i did so wrong that he didn't want to be with me anymore, and i turned into a heartless bitch. after crying and eating tubs of ice cream while watching chick flicks for three weeks of course.

i scanned through all of my dresses until my eyes landed upon a silky emerald green dress. it had spaghetti straps, ended mid thigh, and hugged my curves perfectly making me love the way it looked on me. it also just so happens to be graysons favorite dress of mine also because of how it looked on me. it made emerald green his favorite color.

me being the petty bitch i am immediately grabbed it and laid it on my bed then grabbed a pair of black heels. i turned my curling iron on and let it heat up as i began doing my makeup. i've never been huge on makeup so i simply applied concealer, mascara, and eyeliner and called it a day.

i curled my hair and left it in loose waves. i grabbed my favorite silver necklace and put it on then put my outfit on. taking one last look in the mirror and being very pleased with my appearance, i grabbed any last necessities then headed downstairs where my parents were waiting. we got in the car and headed toward the venue.

we arrived at a very fancy building, the valet guy taking my dads keys and leaving to park our car. we walked in and immediately i was amazed by how big and fancy it was. huge chandeliers scattered the ceiling, illuminating the entire room. huge windows were spread out across the walls but with it being almost eight pm and completely dark outside, they did nothing for the place. there was plenty of tables set out for guests to sit down at and a stage up front with a podium on it. if you couldn't tell, sean is receiving a big promotion.

my eyes scanned the room until they fell upon ethan's and i instantly made my way towards him. i reached him and his arms were already open for a hug, which i gladly accepted.

"i missed you livy!" he squeezed me like he hasn't seen me in months.

"ethan you saw me two days ago." i laughed.

"yea that's too long." he pulled away from the hug and scanned my outfit. "ooo look at you!"

this is why he's my best friend. he's almost like one of the girls but with muscles and testosterone.

"thank you!! and don't you look quite dashing yourself. you've grown into a fine young man." i joked as i pretended to adjust his tie causing him to laugh.

i heard a few other laughs and that's when i noticed his other friends, alex and caleb, standing behind him.

"hey guys! i feel like i haven't seen you in forever." i hugged both of them.

"long time no see liv." alex replied.

alex and caleb are a year older than ethan and i and just started college a couple towns over a few months ago. we don't get to see them much and it's hard as they're our closest friends but it makes us even happier when they come to visit.

"gosh we have so much to catch up on." i smiled just being happy to see them.

"hey gu-" i heard the familiar voice that i was hoping to avoid for at least the first twenty minutes. he stopped himself when he saw me with the guys.

"liv." he awkwardly addressed me, clearly uncomfortable in the situation he walked himself into.

"grayson." i replied back in the same tone. i watched his eyes scan down my body then back up, meeting my eyes.

"may i um- talk to you for a second." he said through slightly gritted teeth. i had no clue why he was so angry right now or why he even wanted to talk to me. i mean he was the one that left me hanging.

"actually i'm content right here." i smiled at him just to piss him off more.

"now." he demanded getting more and more irritated. i rolled my eyes but gave in and followed him into the hallway.

we stood in silence for a couple seconds as grayson continued to scan my body then stare at me.

"what do you want grayson?" i huffed as i crossed my arms.

"what do you think you're doing?" he clenched his jaw in anger and i furrowed my eyebrows.

"what the hell are you talking about?"

"you show up looking like that and now you're hanging out with my friends thinking i won't be around." his words made my jaw drop. who does he think he is?

"first of all. there is nothing wrong with the way i'm dressed. second of all, alex and caleb are my friends too. news flash, you don't own your friends. and you definitely do not own me." i got in his face trying to make my words loud and clear.

"oh trust me, there is absolutely nothing wrong with the way you're dressed." his eyes scanned my body again and i rolled my eyes, again.

"can you pick one mood and go with it? are you angry or horny?"

"neither. it's just..." he rubbed his face trying to contemplate something.

"i miss you. a lot. i regret my choices every single day because i lost one of the most important people that could've ever entered my life. i've been so lost without you liv. and seeing you here looking like that knowing that it's not mine anymore and every other guy in that room is drooling over you just pisses me off. you know i love that dress and the way it makes you look. you know emerald green is my favorite color and you did that. i want to be the only one to look at you the way they all are." i could hear the sincerity in his voice and see the guilt in his eyes, but i'm not giving in that easily.

"remember when you said that there's no second chance. i heard you been hoping you could change the past. you miss the long good nights, you miss the long goodbyes." a small light filled his eyes as if he thought i was giving into coming back to him.

"well did you ever think that it was hard for me? to walk it off like nothing happened nonchalantly." and just like that, the light was gone and his eyes were back to being dull. a frown crossed his face.

"feelin myself can't be illegal. so sue me. for looking too pretty tonight. for wearing your favorite color under the lights. for moving on doing everything right. for being good friends with your friends and running into you the place that we met. for being something you can't forget. so sue me grayson." i backed away from him as i saw his mouth parted a little bit like he was trying to say something but he couldn't.

"it's hard to see me on when you been off as hell. but i'm not gonna dull myself because you dull yourself. i know it's hard to see what you don't want to see." his mouth opened a bit more but before he could say anything, i walked up to him and pushed his chin up with my finger, closing his mouth.

"i guess i'm hard to ignore. pick up that jaw off the floor."

and with that i walked away, leaving grayson speechless and re-entered the party just as sean got on the stage to make his big speech.

*sue me by sabrina carpenter*

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