𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲; 𝐞

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it was after lunch and i was making my way towards the stairs to get to my fourth period class. i heard commotion when i got to the bottom of the stairs and turned to see the one and only nate davis, senior, captain of the basketball team. i also happened to turn in time to see him push a kid to the ground. i caught a glimpse of the kid's face and figured it to be ethan dolan, junior, shy kid.

now i've always been one to never hold back and stand up for what's right so of course i immediately made my way over to confront nate.

"what the hell is your problem??" i looked up at him as he looked down at me.

being a female and 6'1", im usually the intimidating one in these situations, but nate stands at about 6'6" so i don't really have that power here.

"aw how cute. y/n y/l/n protecting the loser." he laughed as his friends around him all patted his back.

"he's not a loser you're just a dick. you have that stick shoved so far up your ass you have to pick on someone who's done nothing wrong." i spat in his face, his smirk faltering for a second.

"oh shut the fuck up, you don't know what happened." he rolled his eyes.

"so please inform me what happened." i crossed my arms over my chest as i waited for an explanation.

"he was following us like a creep and then he stepped on my shoe." he stated like he had just won the argument with one sentence.

"oh my god. i guess i was wrong." i stepped back and a smirk made its way back onto nate's face. "you're even more self centered than i thought you were." his smirked dropped again when he realized i wasn't siding with him.

"news flash, ethan's in your fucking class. of course he's going to be going the same way as you. and maybe if you and your posse wouldn't take up the entire hallway when you walk, he could've gone around and wouldn't have stepped on your shoe." i saw his jaw clench and his fists began to ball up like he was preparing to defend himself.

"my god you guys act like the whole world revolves around you and what's happening in your life. reality check, it doesn't." i could see i was getting to him so i kept pushing at him in hopes he would snap.

"you do realize that this status you have in fucking high school is not going to follow you anywhere else. as soon as you go to college you could be in ethan's shoes, on the floor staring up at some dude who thinks he's better than everyone else because he's got too many issues up in that small brain of his to be nice to anyone for once." anger flashed in nate's eyes and i could tell he would break soon.

"after high school, you're nothing. just a worthless piece of shit." and with that, nate's hands found their way to my shoulders as he tried to push me to the ground like he had done to ethan minutes prior. however i didn't fall to the ground like ethan did, i had only stumbled back.

"go ahead, try and put your hands on me again. pussy." as i said the last word i saw nate's arm swing in for a punch, my reflexes reacting quickly and grabbing his fist before twisting his arm outward and watching him groan in agony.

"so you're a woman beater now? i guess that's something you can add to your list of issues, although i wouldn't be surprised if it was already on there you piece of shit."

i lifted my knee and hit him right in his dick. as soon as he hunched over in pain, my other arm came up and uppercutted him. nate fell to the ground and i let go of his other arm. i looked at his posse behind him who all looked terrified that i just violated their leader.

"any of you want to try me next?" they all shook their heads with wide eyes and scattered to class.

i turned around to see ethan still on the ground. i held out my hand to help him up. "thank you." he mumbled out and i almost missed it.

"anytime. now let's get you to class." we began walking up the stairs only to be stopped by a voice.

"not so fast ms. y/l/n." i scrunched my eyes shut at the sound of my principals voice.

"my office. now."


"ms. y/l/n, you know we have zero tolerance for fighting in this school. and with that you know we're going to have to punish you." he gave me a stern look.

"but sir, nate was the one who pushed ethan to the ground then put his hands on me. i was using self defense." i was confused why i was being punished and nate hadn't even been called down to the office yet.

"yes but you also put more damage on mr. davis than he did on either you or ethan." he looked at me over his glasses that sat on the bridge of his nose.

"because i caught his fist before it made contact. why are you not understanding that he literally swung at me??" i was becoming extremely frustrated.

"i do understand that but because he never made contact, you took the first hit which means you have to have a bigger punishment than mr. davis. he will have detention after school today, but as for you, two weeks suspension." he began writing something down on a piece of paper.

"so you're saying that in order for him to be punished, he had to actually punch me? so he would have had to injure me in order for me to defend myself?? i'm so fucking sorry that i have self defense skills and was not going to allow him to punch me in the fucking face before i did something about it. you know what? i'm done with this mysogynistic piece of shit school." i grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the office, not listening to the principals words.

i left the front office and saw ethan standing there waiting. "so what happened?" i saw him fiddling with his fingers, nervous to be speaking to me.

"were you waiting for me?" i smirked as i walked up to him.

"i had to see if my lord and savior was being reprimanded." his words cause me to laugh.

"yea well let's just say i won't be coming back." ethan's eyes got wide at my words.

"you were expelled for that?!" he panicked thinking i got expelled because he didn't stand up for himself.

"no no. im choosing not to come back because seeing as i got a two week suspension and nate just got detention after school, this school is a piece of shit." ethan relaxed when he heard that it was my choice not to come back, but his next words caught me by surprise.

"you wanna get out of here?"

𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 • 𝐃𝐓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang