Chapter 7: Graygarden Part 1

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Although Mason knew Heather and Codsworth had something to tell him the previous night, he couldn't get to them about it due to the event from the sewers and jobs the settlement needed to be done. Getting up and stretching, Mason took the armor off, opting for a more comfortable flannel and vest before going to find Codsworth. He couldn't be too far, especially since he didn't normally like to roam too far from Mason while following him. It was a bit more difficult than usual though since it was three in the morning. Turning on the Pip-Boy light, Mason found him hovering near the partially built walls of the place and approached him.

"Sir, perhaps now would be a good time to speak?" Codsworth asked Mason as he stepped up to him.

"Sure," Mason told him. "What's on your mind, Cods?"

"So gracious, sir! I do appreciate it," he remarked happily. "I've always had such admiration for you and your family, ever since that day my visual sensors were first switched on. You and the missus."

Of course Mason trusted him. Couldn't trust anyone more than him. Even if he was programmed for it, he still had his own personality.

"So good with young Shaun, and so trusting of me to look after such a newborn bundle of joy. It just warms my nuclear core. So, you can imagine the distress I felt when the bombs fell after you fled to the vault. I searched but found no evidence of your death. I could only hope you all made it in time! And when you returned, I was overjoyed! I admit I ran a full diagnostics scan just to be sure I wasn't malfunctioning. But the news. The news of the missus and young Shaun. Believe me when I say it takes a true hero to live through that."

Mason wasn't a hero. All he had done was help out a few settlements and paved the way for three more while traveling. Any halfway decent person would have done it.

"I'm no hero, Codsworth," Mason told him. "Believe me, I am far from one."

"Don't sell yourself short, sir," Codsworth said joyfully. "In such a bleak world as this, think all you've witnessed, and all you've done. In my two hundred years, I've seen it tear men and women apart. But you sir, you have remained the very model of what humanity should aspire to be."

Mason never knew. He just did what I felt was necessary to find Shaun. If he was too weak, he wouldn't be able to get to the bastard who took him, and he could get killed instead.

"I didn't realize you felt that way, Cods. I don't know what to say."

"You have nothing to say, sir. I just... felt you should know what you've come to mean to me. I truly believe if the Commonwealth is to turn itself around, you're the one to do it. Now not another word! I stand firm in my belief. Let's get back to it."

After he finished telling him what was on his mind, they got to work on the walls. Codsworth was building up the walls, Mason reinforcing them from behind. With them working together, along with the help of settlers as they woke up, they got the walls built in nine hours. Grabbing his bag from the bed he had slept in the previous night, he grabbed some food from it, sat at the table set up outside, and quietly enjoyed the food. After five minutes, he felt Heather sit next to him and asked, "What's on your mind?"

"I have a couple of presents for you," she said as she handed him a 10mm and some ammunition. "And I'm increasing your discount again. I hate charging you, but I need to stay in business. You know, it feels like we've been together forever. Struck gold the day you agreed to travel with me. I love being with you."

"There's more to this, isn't there?" Mason questioned.

"More to me and you? I'd like that."

Was she flirting? Mason really couldn't tell, even if it had happened to him a lot before the war, so maybe she just meant being best friends. He'd worry about it later. After grabbing their bags and stuffing his armor into his, they walk out the gates of Red Rocket and go to Sanctuary.

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