Chapter 11: Hole in the Wall

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Waking up the next morning, Heather was using Mason's chest as a pillow, though that may have been due to the previous night's activities. It wasn't uncomfortable for him, but it would make getting out of the bed hard. After carefully getting out of the bed, Mason put on the bare minimum, a pair of jeans and a tank-top. Checking the time on the Pip-Boy, Mason realized the shops would open in an hour and decided to see if Piper was awake for the interview. Couldn't take more than an hour, and Heather wouldn't be up for a while.

After putting his boots on, Mason walked out to the market, seeing a man pointing a gun at someone. Why couldn't this have waited until noon? After stretching his back, legs, and arms, Mason ran up to the man, making him fire his weapon. Elbowing the man in the face, Mason forced him to release the gun, dismantling it as he threw the parts away. Bending down, Mason grabbed the man by the front of his shirt before lifting him to his feet. Glaring down at the man. Many of the people in the crowd looked shocked, a few downright scared, but it didn't matter. When a man threatened someone's safety, Mason would go out of his way to keep others safe.

"He's a synth; he'll kill us all," the man barked into Mason's face before he saw the look on Mason's face, his gaze being seared into his mind.

"Where's your proof?" Mason demanded, lifting him on his feet as he forced the man to his level. "From what I've heard, there is no way to tell the difference between a human and 'synth' unless you kill them. So either you put the gun down, or I'll put you through a bar."

"You wouldn't dare," the man taunted, though a look of fear was still in his eyes. Not having the time, Mason dragged him towards the noodle stand, grabbed him by the back of the head, then slammed him into the bar, making the man crumple to the ground. Turning around, Mason noticed the guards looking at him, their weapons slightly raised, the crows looking at him in fear.

"Go back to your morning," Mason told them, causing most of the crowd to disperse, the vendors opening early.

Turning to the man that was almost shot, Mason sighed before crouching down to his level.

"Are you alright?" Mason asked.

"My own brother... if you hadn't shown up... he would've killed me..."

"Don't worry," Mason told him as he patted his shoulder and smiled. "You're safe now. That's what matters."

"I'm... I'm not a synth. I... I told him. I... I kept telling him. Why didn't he listen to me? I, uh... I need a minute."

Two officers came and picked up the guy's brother, dragging him to what Mason could guess was a jail, and an officer came up to Mason.

"That was a bit excessive, asshole. Now I'm gonna-" Turning to the officer, he froze, seeing Mason's glare, something that came in handy when he was dealing with people. Helped that he was a giant compared to most.

"Tell me this: Why don't you know how to disarm someone? Apparently, it's been over two hundred years since the bombs fell and someone who's supposed to protect people doesn't know how to disarm someone."

Hearing this, some people nearby were shocked while a few whistled. Registering what Mason said, the officer glared at Mason, though to him, it felt like a kitten was mad at him.

"You shut your mouth. We're riskin' our lives every day to keep assholes like you-"

"You're not keeping me safe; I just got here last night. But let's put things this way," Mason said before grabbing the office by the armor and pulling him close. "Try to fight me, whether it's weapons or hand to hand, you're gonna end up face first in the dirt. Do not test my patience in the morning."

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