Chapter 14: Zone 2 Part 1

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Leaving Tenpines, Mason guided them down the side of the cliff, preferring to take a shorter route while also not breaking any bones. Had he tried to climb down the cliff to the west of Tenpines, he likely would've broken a leg. Following the tracks, they ran into boxcars, Mason ignoring most of them. As they walked past, Mason had to stop, seeing something out of the corner of his eye. Climbing onto a trailer, Mason peered into a cage, seeing a suit of Power Armor.

"Hey Heather," Mason called, looking for a way to open the gate.


"Got a suit of Power Armor. Won't... I won't be able to fit into it, you will," Mason told her, catching himself from saying either of them wouldn't fit. "Imma hand you my partially used fusion core for it."

"On it."

As she climbed up, Mason looked at her.

As she looked up at him, Mason spoke. "Your smile is beautiful."

Jumping off the trailer before Heather said anything, Mason followed the wire connected to the cage, finding it attached to a terminal. After hacking into the terminal, Mason unlocked the gate, hearing Heather get into the armor. Taking the helmet of the armor off, Heather put it into a bag Curie had strapped to her. Standing in front of Mason, Heather smiled.

"So this is what

"So this is what it's like being your height," Heather commented, causing Mason to grab his helmet.

"I did not ask for this height," Mason responded as he put the helmet on. "I suppose I was lucky. Sister, not so much."

"It's alright. It makes you look better."

Having no idea how to respond to that, Mason began walking. He'd always seen himself as average, preferring words over appearance. It was odd how his brother was able to sleep around.

"" Let's keep going north," Mason said, Overseer's in his hands. "I see an outline on the mountain ahead and a partially caved-in house."

"It's a shack," Heather responded, referring to the outline. Finding two Radstag bodies by the house, Mason collected the meat off them since they hadn't begun rotting. However, it was apparent someone used them for target practice, annoying Mason. At least when he killed merde, he used all the materials he got. And when he killed people, he took their weapons and armor. Mason began to head up the mountain again, rolling up the hide and sticking it in his bag. Seeing two mirelurks pop out of the ground, Mason raised his rifle, knowing to aim for the face.

"Allez vous faire foutre, connards," Mason yelled, shooting the nearest one in its face. Screeching as it fell back, Mason growled. "Don't pop up."

Collecting the meat off it, Mason stored it away before walking to the highway above the shack. Looking around, Mason sees a potential spot for a settlement but can't see if anyone's there.

"See anyone at the outpost," Mason questioned Heather as she looked at the place ahead.

"A few raiders," she remarked. "One's in Power Armor. Has a fatman."

"I got that guy. Who else?"

Sighing, Heather checked out the other ones.

"One has better equipment than the other two. He'll put up a fight. Not much for you."

"Guessing the last two have normal gear?"

"For raiders."

"Alright," Mason said. Finding a spot on the ground, he got ready to fire Overseer's. He'd need to bring a scope in the future for jobs like this.

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