Chapter 10: The Vault and Diamond City

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Mason stepped out as the elevator door opened, a kid running up to him and asking an odd question.

"Hey, mister, are you really from the Commonwealth?"

"Nah, I'm from the moon. Still got some cheese on the bottom of my boots," Mason responded, earning a laugh from Garvey and Heather.

"I guess that was a dumb question. I bet it's your first time here. I can show you around the vault if you want. Just five caps."

"Alright, here you go," Mason said, handing the kids some caps.

"Yes! I gotta show you to Erin. She's gonna flip." Austin began the tour leading them to what looked like a storage room.

"This is the Depot. The Combes family runs it. Erin and I are best friends. Her mom and dad fight a lot, so I don't like to go in when they're around. If you need something, they're the ones to have it," Austin explained, concerning Mason. Parents should know not to fight in front of their kid. That could seriously mess them up.

"What do they fight about?"

"I shouldn't tell you this, but everyone says Mr. Combes is sleeping with Tina. Mrs. Combes doesn't know, but he's always leaving her to do all the work while he hangs out with Tina."

Mason did not understand what was going through the man's head. Why the hell would he marry someone just to cheat on them?

"Next stop, the overseer." Leading Mason to a staircase on the other side of the vault, at one point saying, "I bet you've killed a lot of strange things." That was true; Mason had killed a lot of weird things. "The Overseer's office is up there. They're busy up there and don't like to be bothered. She makes the rules, but she's nice. I like here."

"That's good and all, but does she take care of people who break rules?"

"Security mostly takes care of people that break the rules. But she's in charge of all the security officers. It doesn't happen very often. Next stop, the diner. Now we gotta go downstairs. That's where the diner is."

As he led the way, the kid told Mason about how everyone ate there and how it got crowded sometimes, and how the people who ran it, the Summersets, were nice.

"Hello, Austin," the lady, whom Mason could assume was Mrs. Summerset, greeted as they came up. "I see you're showing our guests from the Commonwealth around."

"Yes, ma'am," Austin responded. "This is the Sunshine diner. Gran says they take all her hard work and turn it into swill. Mr. and Mrs. Summerset run the diner. They're pretty nice. Mrs. Summerset's pies are still the best."

"Well besides the pies, how is their food?" Mason questioned, though he wasn't too concerned since they were carrying enough.

"I like it. Mrs. Summerset always sneaks me seconds," Austin answered.

"I'll save you a slice of pie, Austin," Mrs. Summerset said.

"Next stop, Horatio. I told you they were nice," Austin said, leading Mason to a barber that was beside the diner.

"Do you like your hair?" Not right now, he didn't. Hadn't cut it for a while and needed to shave. "I like mine. I hate combing it though. Gran makes me comb it."

Entering the barbershop, a man who looked to be in his early thirties greeted Austin.

"Austin, that hair of yours is a mole rat's nest."

"This is where Horatio fixes up people's hair. Erin's mom comes here all the time. Gran hardly comes here at all. She makes me cut my hair though. It's not fair."

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