Chapter 12: Zone Three

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Receiving an earful from Garvey about being irresponsible, although Mason did get the cure, he pulled him away to tell him something he wanted to hear.

"Gather some recruits... and go to the castle," Mason commanded. "Make sure they're seventeen at the minimum. Give me three weeks, tops, and I'll be there." Looking surprised when Mason told him that, it didn't stop Mason from putting his arm over his shoulder. "We're reclaiming the castle, and I'm getting the biggest kill anyone in my family has ever gotten," Mason remarked, grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course, General," Garvey responded, excited to be taking back the Castle, a smile a mile wide.

Garvey left their separate ways to get a squad, while Mason went to get Curie, running into Tina before he did.

"Can I help?" Mason questioned, his head cocked to one side.

She explained how since everything with Austin had happened, Bobby was using jet even more than before and wanted him to help.

"Any idea how I can convince the foutre dans la merde," Mason questioned, having never run into this type of problem before.

"You gotta convince him to go see Rachel. She's got some treatment drug that'll help him get clean. It's either get clean or get dead at this point, and that bastard better get his priorities straight," she urged, clearly upset as Mason backed away. Finding Bobby in his room, Mason saw him try to hide Jet until Mason rushed and grabbed it from his hands.

"Give that-"

"I'm here about your habit," Mason told him, giving him a chance to admit to it.

"My habit? No habits here, man."

Oh boy, he was definitely high. He got caught red handed, and he still tried to lie. "You need help, Bobby. Look, Rachel has medicine that can help you," Mason told him, crushing the jet in his hand. He hoped Bobby would take the chance since Mason did not want to deal with a crying woman or dead body after what he went through.

"She, she can? I never realized there were drugs to treat... drugs...," Bobby said, thinking it over, "If it's that easy, I'll do it. I'll go see her right now."

Making sure Bobby got to the medical clinic, Mason preventing him from backing out, he got him to Rachel. Leaving Bobby with her, Mason went to the generator room, finding Tina working on a generator.

"Did you talk to Bobby?" she asked, backing up a bit as Mason approached her. He didn't know how to handle people he barely knew. "How'd it go?"

"Nervous, but made the right decision in the end," Mason informed her. "Made sure he went to see Rachel."

"Thank god," she sighed in relief. "That's it. No more drugs, no more dealing. We're starting over. Maybe now I can get him to leave this can."

"If you really want out of here, you can come work for me on a settlement," Mason offered, knowing she likely wouldn't last a day alone.

"Y'know, as far as new beginnings go, that sounds pretty good. Count me in."

"Alright, let me see the Pip-Boy real quick so I can mark the route," Mason told her, and after marking it, handed her some road leathers. "These should keep you warm until you get there. If anyone asks, tell them the General sent ya."

When she was done changing into the road leathers, something she was oddly comfortable doing in front of Mason, though he turned away, finding it awkward. Patting her on the back as she left, Mason told her to say bye to her brother before she left. She could see him again one day. Not something Mason could control, but the last words between siblings didn't need to be hateful. Finding Curie, Mason grabbed Heather and Dogmeat as they left the vault, Mason carrying Heather due to the stunt he pulled. He still found her light for a full-grown woman.

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