Chapter 22: Preparations

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As he walked into Sanctuary, Mason felt it was nice to be back. Took only six hours to get there from where Brandis was, but he knew he'd be safe.

"Hold it right there!" someone yelled from a guard tower. "Gonna get the boss real quick."

Sighing, Mason set his bags down. His legs felt like they were fire, his back aching from the walking. But if he had to, he'd wait a minute for Sturges or Tyler.

"Think it'll take long?" Mason asked.

"Maybe five minutes," she stated, smiling. "Sturges is more of a repairman than a guard, despite his muscles."

"Fair enough. Sturges is probably on maintenance, considering he ain't at the tower," Mason remarked, neither of the guards he recognized. Must be new. "Hey, I got somethin'-"

"Well, I'll be damned. I assumed the Deathclaws had gotten you. Though based on what Sturges has told everyone, I should've had more hope," someone yelled down. Looking up, Mason saw Tyler, grinning as he picked up his bags. Seeing him gesture for some to open the gates, Mason chuckled. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

"Been a while," Mason remarked, walking by. "Anyone new who specializes in weapons or armor?"

"Before we get to that, there's someone here for you," Tyler stated, stopping Mason where he was. "Some lady from Starlight came here looking for you with two guards. Said she needed to talk to you about something."

"Alice Carter," Mason questioned, Tyler looking at him in surprise.

"Yep, that's the name. Do you have a perfect memory or something?"

"For names and faces. Ain't perfect for everything. Now can you answer my question?"

"There's this one kid. Alex Carter. A bit rough around the edges. Stays in the house by the bridge. Works on armor, upgrading and repairing."

"Send him by tomorrow," Mason told him, walking into his house. "Gotta talk to him him about that."

"Staying by the bridge?"

"No, armor. Had a shipment delivered here."

"I was wondering who sent that," Tyler stated, looking at Mason as he took his armor off. "May want to put your name on the paper next time."

"Sure," Mason remarked. "I'll remember for future reference. Tell Alice I'll talk to her."

Taking the last of his armor off, Mason sighed. He just wanted to stop fighting. Wanted to settle down. The world didn't want him to. Setting the armor on a mannequin, Mason laid down on the couch and sighed.

"Twenty-five and got back problems," Mason groaned.

"You get used to it after a while," Heather stated, setting her bag down. "Besides, you going around helping people and taking care of their problems. Pretty noble of you."

"I suppose," Mason remarked. "Need experience before I find my son. And before I can train others."

Groaning, Mason stood up, walking over to his fridge. Surprised it was kept stocked, he grabbed some food before going over to the stove that had been installed, preparing the food for dinner. Had to do his fair share of cooking growing up. Living in a household with twenty other children growing up, he would help cook dinner with his mother and aunts.

"Can I help you, Miss Carter," Mason questioned as he put food onto the plates, Alice sitting on the couch.

"Well first, everyone at Starlight went with that Garvey fellow," Alice stated, surprising Mason. "Something about retaking the Castle."

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