04 | tired. very tired.

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stargazing - the neighbourhood

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stargazing - the neighbourhood

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

The temptation to love freely haunts my dreams of you but when I wake, your lips are phantoms and your words are cruel.


third-person POV

Shouyou continued picking up the trash on his floor, sometimes picking something up and playing around with it for a bit before getting back to work.

It was kinda cute how he kept getting distracted...

"Need a hand?"

"I don't want your filthy hands touching my stuff. Just stay there."

Oikawa pursed his lips, turning his head away and flopping backward on the bed. "Ow!" He quickly sat up once again, rubbing his back as he lifted up the blanket. Briefly, his eyes widened, and Shouyou turned at his silence.

"What... is this?" Sighing, Shouyou stood, dusting his pants off and walking over. He froze. "Uh... it's just... medical supplies..."

It was humorous how Shouyou thought he could lie to someone who's known him his whole life. Oikawa gently closed the lid on the plastic container filled with bloodied rags and bandages.

"Shou-Chan, we may not be on the best terms, but this is serious. Tell me what this is, right now."

The ginger huffed, obviously in a fluster and not knowing what to do, and twirled on his heel. He began collecting more cans to toss into the trash bag.

A whisp of hot air brushed the back of his neck, a quiet gasp leaving his lips as Oikawa's strong hands gently held onto his shoulder from behind.

"Shouyou... I'm serious..."

A small weight fell onto Shouyou's head, he could feel Oikawa press his forehead deeper into his ginger hair. It smelt of sweat, and it only made the brunet hurt more. Shouyou used to have a really nice smell to him. He smelt like home.

"... I run into a lot of people at night. Some more... meaner than others. It's not that big of a deal."

Oikawa's grip tightened on the ginger. "Then stop going out at night."

He couldn't place the hurt eating at his chest. Shouyou betrayed him, what the ginger puts himself in or does isn't Oikawa's problem... 


"It's none of your business. Leave me alone, now."

"No," he whimpered, "You're still my... You and I were friends at some point, okay? I have a right to care about you to this extent."

A whimper nearly left Shouyou's lips, but he sealed them, pushed Oikawa away, and growled at him like a rabid dog.

"Don't touch me." His body burned with Oikawa's warm touch. How long had it been since someone had actually held him like that?

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