20 | what would you say?

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the beach - the neighborhood

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the beach - the neighborhood


if I told you that I loved you, tell me, what would you say? If I told you that I hated you, would you go away?

Oikawa's POV (10: 58 a.m)

"Woah, you're pretty good at this."

"Well, I work with this stuff now and then. Yours is... cool."

We both stared at the "zebra" I was trying to paint. It looked like shit, of course, 'cause the last time I played with paint was in grade school. Shouyou's elephant, on the other hand, looked so amazing it was attracting the attention of everyone who passed by.

The way his face lit up when he saw the pottery studio made it impossible not to wanna give it a try, though.

He smiled at me joyously. I smiled back. Totally worth it..!

Eventually, he excused himself to the bathroom, leaving me and our skateboards alone at the table. It wasn't a problem, he'd be back soon, I continued working on my not-so-pretty zebra..? in peace.

It felt like everything was okay right now. Until that peace was shattered.

"Oikawa-San? Aren't you supposed to be at school?" A frown, a tilt-up of the head, and, boom, two girls from school. Underclassman. Cheeky underclassman. I've had to deal with them on more than one occasion before.

"I could say the same thing, haha." They've mistaken my smile for a friendly one. The brunet twirled her hair and giggled.

"Are you on a date, Oikawa-San?" She sat at Shouyou's seat, I hated it. It was like they were trying to push Shouyou out of the way, even though he's not here at the moment.

Hurry up, Shou-Chan...

"Uh, n- Yeah..? Uh, they're in the bathroom..."

The blond female nodded, obviously unhappy, and picked up the beautiful statue Shouyou had nearly finished.

"Could you put that down, please?"

"Oh, yeah- oops..!"

Thank God Shouyou's as slick as they come. He caught the statue and got up in the girl's face, something he does often when upset. "If it's a fight you want, you just got yourself one, bitch."

There's a reason people avoid Shouyou at school. He's scary when he's angry, and he seems angry all the time. I know the truth, though.

"N-No, no! It was an accident! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Her friend, the one that was in Shouyou's seat, grabbed her wrist and bowed before booking it out of the studio. Shouyou huffed and sat down. With my head in my hand, I smirked playfully at him.

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