08 | still so god damn hot...

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out of my league - fitz and the tantrums

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out of my league - fitz and the tantrums

⇆ㅤ ||◁ㅤ❚❚ㅤ▷||ㅤ ↻

Yeah, you are more than just a dream...


"Take off your pants if you're so hot. They're only gonna keep the heat in at this point."

Why he wasn't taking off his fucking 20-inch thick pants is beyond me, but I needed to put the other two patches on anyway, so, either way, they'd have to come off.

He was gonna refute, but I pushed him onto the bed and began peeling another fever patch. "How'd you get so hot, anyway? It's still wintertime, even though flowers are already popping up..."

He shrugged, arms covering his face, which, mind him, wasn't going to keep the heat away. But, he was distracted, and it was the perfect time for me to get a grip on his pants.

Curse him and his fast reflexes, though.

In a mere moment, I was pulled on top of him, his eyes formed into a glare, mine followed the action.

"If you don't get better, you're only gonna worry everyone. Take your pants off, you wuss."

"If you even try to touch my pants, I'm claiming assault."

I growled at him, he growled back, that was until an idea popped up into my brain. "You know what? I bet Auntie could get your hot flash taken care of in a ji-!"

My head was smacked against his stupidly hard chest, and I yelped, but quickly slapped a hand over my mouth. "Fine, fine, if you wanna see me naked so god damn bad, feel free. Go ahead, Sho-Chan, take 'em off!"

He was dripping in sweat, but his smirk was still present as I undid the tie on his sweats and began pulling them off.

I quickly pulled them back up, my cheeks burning- and not because of a fever or hot flash or anything.

"You... fucking ass! Where's your underwear?! Are you a whore or something?! Ugh! Forget it! Do it yourself! This was stupid anyway!"

I was flustered, random words spewing from my mouth in the midst of it- most of which I'd probably regret later on.

I grabbed tossed my hoodie over my head and tightened the strings. "I'll just tell Mom you died or somethi-!"

Just as I had wedged the window open some, two large hands blocked me from escaping any further. God damn, how does he move so fast?

"Oh, wow, the air outside feels so nice..." As much as I hate to admit it, it made my body shiver, but I'll blame that on the night air. I could see an old man walking his dog on the sidewalk down below.

If he turned his head up a bit... what would he see in this window?

To-San's head dropped onto my shoulder, his body leaning onto mine a bit too much for my liking. This guy was heavy.

"To-San... Get off of me. You always cause trouble when you're near me."

He wasn't fazed at all, and, in all actuality, I don't even think he was listening to me. "Gimme a sec... Just... don't go yet..."

From the left, I could see the lights from the open sign on the door to Mom's karaoke place turn off, leaving that part of the street dim.

"Sorry to burst your bubble, Mr. No Undies, but I have to go help Mom close up." I regret my words instantly when his grip tightened.

Even when we were kids, I could always remember To-San being clingy while he was sick, and he'd always end up getting me sick in the long run.

But he was in the midst of a hot flash, and hanging onto someone with a naturally high temperature isn't the best idea.

"Sho-Chan... you showered... you smell so nice~"

"... Mom made me. You're not a dog, quit sniffing me-!"

I could feel To-San's hand trailing up my hoodie, and, not only did it startle me, but his finger brushed against my nipple and, honestly, it felt...

Never mind, forget I said anything. I want this bozo off of me.

I grabbed his wrist and quickly pulled him to the bed. Once he was on it, I inhaled, reminded myself that we were both men, so it was all okay, and yanked his pants down to his knees.

I grabbed the fever patches and began peeling them with shaky fingers as fast as humanly possible.

His hand ran through my hair, but I paid it no mind since I was trying to hurry and get out of this god-awful situation.

"Sho-Chan, you can look, you know? I don't mind~"

Was his brain melting from the heat or something? Who the fuck says stuff like that?

I slapped the last patch onto his thigh and pulled his pants back up. They were crooked, but they were on. "If you aren't better by tomorrow morning, I'll shred all your fucking pants so all you'll have to wear is underwear!"

Just as I got out of the window, I called out to him one more time. "This counts as your favor, by the way!"

With that, I rushed to get back into my room before Mom noticed I was gone. There was something on my mind, though...

Why was he so... big..? God damn.

"Hey, Shouyou dear, can you restock the fridges?" I nodded as Mom hung the broom in the supply closet. "You got it."


10 minutes before | Oikawa's POV

After a whole day of thinking, I've come to the decision that Shouyou is a pain in the ass. I've decided I'm going to live life out as a single man with three cats and a chihuahua.

I wish I could fucking say that.

"Shou... Chan~" It was so fucking hot in my room, and I felt really weak, but I just couldn't get my god damn hard-on down without jerking off.

Fuck love. Fuck friendship.

"Ugh, God~" With a hand over my mouth, I came into my hand, quickly using a tissue to wipe myself clean before tossing it in the trash.

"Why's it... so hot..!"

I snatched my shirt off and tossed it onto the floor, hoping to cool down some. Before, I felt a little icky, but I thought it'd get better after I rubbed one out.

Why'd Shouyou have to make me like this? Ever since the first year of high school, it was always Shouyou aiding my thoughts while I masturbated. And I always thought it was because I was always thinking about him.

How I left him, how he insulted me, all the times I picked on him and he snapped at me... He's like a cute dog.

"Ugh... Maybe I'll be a single man with a dog instead..."

A cough racked my chest. Okay, yeah, I might be a little sick. Can you get sick from overthinking? I wonder...

"You should take better care of yourself, To-San. Or, you know, at least tell Mom when you're sick so she doesn't have to worry."

My body jolted at the familiar voice.


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