𝑒𝓅𝒾𝓁𝑜𝑔𝓊𝑒 : 01

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r u mine? - artic monkeys

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r u mine? - artic monkeys


all I wanna ever say is, "Are you mine?" well, are you mine? are you mine?

Oikawa's POV (11:32 p.m)


Shouyou was sitting on my bed, a towel resting on his head as he dried his hair. I was also fresh from the shower and closed the bedroom door once I entered.

He tossed the towel in the laundry hamper and tucked himself away in the shirt I lent him. It was large on him, I'm not surprised.

It was quiet, I sat beside him on the bed and tossed my towel into the basket as well. "... You did good today, uh, not drinking any energy drinks. That must've been hard, huh?"

He shrugged and scooted closer to me. I felt my heart pounding in my chest at the closeness and swore he could hear it. I hope he couldn't...

"It wasn't that hard. I had you to distract me, after all. Speaking of... uhm..." It was such a subtle thing, the way he locked his finger around mine and turned bashfully toward the ground.

"Thanks for... today... I had a lot of fun... I feel a lot better."

My eyes kept glancing down at his lips, I couldn't stop them. The way he spoke so softly, the way his tongue poked out to wet them was just so enticing. I've been watching his mouth all day, I love the way he moves it.

"I'd give you the sun if I could."


I slapped a hand over my mouth, I can't believe that just slipped out. How embarrassing. "Uh, no, never mind. Forget it, haha."

"Then... I'd give you the moon... and the rest of the stars."

He looked away, biting his bottom lip bashfully. It's like he's trying to tease me. "I'll give you the whole galaxy and all the ones beyond that!" I blurted in reply.

I had a hand on his thigh, he chuckled, I grinned. "That's a lot..!" His laugh's so infectious.

"Yeah, but it's still not enough to show you how much I love you."

Shouyou was no longer laughing. He was frozen, eyes wide and staring directly into mine. What could I say to cover this up? I couldn't find my voice, not until he looked away and hid his face.

"That's not funny. You shouldn't joke like that."

He moved as if he was gonna stand, I instinctively grabbed his wrist to make sure he didn't. I've been nothing but a fuck up today, haven't I?

"Shou-Chan, I-"

My breath hitched at the sight of Shouyou's face so close to mine. I didn't mean to pull him so close, but the beauty of his eyes darting down to my lips made the thought slip my mind.

Can he see me looking at his lips?

Hope ignited in my chest at the thought. Maybe... Just maybe...

"To-San, you're too close..." His voice was but a soft murmur, his breath whipping over my lips.

Despite his words, he made no effort to move, even as I leaned in closer to him and squeezed our laced fingers gently. He gripped my arm when our foreheads pressed together., nervous but unwilling to pull away.

"Shou-Chan... I love you."

He whimpered, trying to create some distance between us, but I made sure our foreheads never left each other.

My voice felt thick in my throat, like Shouyou's beauty was trying to suck it out. "To-San... I can't... I don't love... you..."

He was trying to convince himself and his eyes were looking away from me. I tried to tilt my head to look him in the eyes again, he shut them.

"Shou-Chan... I don't believe you..." It sounded as if we were whispering secrets between each other with how soft our voices were. The hand he had on my chest retracted some, and I was able to close some more distance between us.

"Look me in the eyes... tell me you don't love me... face to face."

He inhaled, I could feel the cool air on my face, I could feel the warmth from his thumb caressing my forearm. He tried to make eye contact, tried hard, but his cheeks were a gentle red and his lips quivered with uncertainty.

It must be a lot for him to take in and process, I feel bad for suddenly springing my feelings on him, but I can't hold them in anymore.

I placed a hand on his cheek and rubbed just beneath his stunning eye as I guided his face to mine. Finally, he met my gaze.

"I... I don't... love... uhn..."

I smiled gently at him, he whimpered and clutched a bit tighter on my forearm.

"I'm sorry..." His voice was a mere whisper, he placed a hand over my own on his face. "I think I..."

I brushed our lips together, just a bit, just a peck, but it send a million volts of electricity through my body. My vision shook for a moment, it felt that exhilarating.

Shouyou's eyes were closed, a hand to his lips and a fresh blush on his cheeks. He was so lovely. I used my hand to cup his face and leaned forward to kiss him again.

It was longer, just a little longer than the last, but enough for my lips to tingle and my heart to jump when we pulled away.

His eyes were open a sliver, he didn't make any space between us like the first time, he grabbed the collar of my shirt and yanked me back into his lips, and the passion that I felt from him sent my heart into a frenzy.

My hands fumbled for his hips as I held him close and scooted to the middle of the bed. It was hot, it told me he loved me as much as I loved him.

"Hah..." He pulled away for a minute, my hands ran everywhere on him, I couldn't help it. His legs cradled my lap, his hands held my face so gently and delicately it made tears swell in my eyes.

For a moment, it seemed as if he were going to say something, but his brilliant eyes fluttered closed and his lips met with mine once again, a bit softer.

His skin was soft in most places, calloused in others, but all of him was perfect to me. Everything about him was perfect to me.

The sound of our lips pulling away nearly made me groan. "To-San... I..." He shook his head, kissed gently near my temple, and breathed hotly against my neck.

" I think... I love you... a lot..."

It was a murmur, a whisper that had me feeling as though I was gonna have a heart attack. Sweat was building up on my forehead with how joyous I was.

I pulled his hips closer so that they were cradling my abdomen and let him snuggle into me, I did the same, snuggling into his small body that felt incredibly amazing on top of mine.

"I love you," I couldn't help but whisper it again. "I love you."

He nodded, his warm cheeks heating up my already hot neck. "I know... I... I love you, too..."

I wonder if it's illegal to be this happy...


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