Chapter Four

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"We have to shower." She mumbled.

We shower and washed each other down. I grabbed Rose face trying to figure out what was wrong. She turned her feelings off, again.

Fuck it.

I stepped out the shower and quickly started to get dressed. Black shirt, black pants, gold chain, and boots. After brushing my hair I admired myself in the mirror.

I wish I could fuck myself.

I looked over my shoulder. Rose was putting her riding boots on.

"Are you okay?" I groaned.

She nodded.

"Why are you blocking your feelings?"

She snapped,"Your looking into things too much."

"What you mean? I just asked a question." I said rolling my eyes.

"Well I would appreciate it if you gave me space."

I laughed,"Space? That's what you want? Ok Rose. You got it."

I appeared at the gate where Emma and the gang waited. Josiah handed me a jacket and hat.

"Are you guys ready?"

They all nodded.

"All of you go together. We will meet back up in the middle." I told them.

Malissa shook her head,"I'm going with you."

I swallowed, please don't.

I appeared in the woods at a house. Malissa appeared beside me.

"I told you to go with them." I told her.

"You don't want to work with me?" She frowned.

I shook my head,"No."

Then I pushed her. She disappeared and I closed my eyes making it so they couldn't find my location. I looked threw the windows at the house and smiled.

I knocked on the door and a woman opened it.

She looked me up and down,"Can I help you?"

"I want all of your maids." I told her.

Her husband came beside her with a gun,"That's too damn bad."

"I wasn't asking."

He cocked the gun and held it up.

With a wave of my hand, I held him up against the wall with the gun pointing at his self.

His wife started yelling as I walked threw the house. The maids came out and stared at the man in shock.

"Let's go ladies."

I followed them outside as they ran to a shack. They gathered their clothes and kids. They even had a dog with puppies.

Beyond Repair (Book 4)(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now