Chapter Thirteen

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I stood on the porch and watched as the rain fell. Everyone was in their shacks. Putting the food into my mouth I chew slowly.

"What's your story, Nora?"

She stepped from behind me and leaned on the poles,"I was born into a family of Maids My King, nothing more nothing less."

"How old are you?" I asked stepping directly behind her.


I moved her hair and leaned down then whispered, "Do you want to feel what Your Queen felt last night?"

"I-I was-n't list-ening!" She stuttered.

"King." I heard from behind me.

I turned around,"What is it?"

She didn't say anything. I pulled myself off of the blushing girl and walked passed Amelia. She didn't look at me. She kept her gaze on the girl.

I went into the room and laid on the bed.

"You want to bed her."

I rubbed my hands down my face,"This seems like relationships type of conversation. I'm not in a relationship."

"But I don't." I said twisting the knife around my fingers.

"A woman knows."

"Hmm. Then what am I thinking now?" I mocked.

She pushed me back down on the bed and climbed on top. Amelia leaned down then kissed me. Her sly tongue found its way into my mouth and danced with mines.

I grabbed her ass and squeezed making her moan into my mouth.

"Someone is here to see you My King."

Amelia threw her head back and groaned. She moved off of me as I stood up. I fixed my clothes as Amelia watched me with red eyes.

I followed the maid outside and into the woods.

Ava sat on her horse, her eyes was red. From crying because I took away all of their powers. I helped her off the horse as the maid walked away.

"A day away from you." She cried.

I frowned,"You're not with Bella?"

I continued rubbing the horse. Will it be like this for the rest of my life? I sleep with women have a couple of children then leave?

She pushed me,"I lost him too! Not just you!"

"It would be neither of us if you would have listened! But no, you already had your mind made up when you saw us together." I hissed.

She didn't respond as more tears fell. We both stood in the rain in silence.

"Are you done? With me? People lose children all the time. We can make more."

I didn't respond.

I stopped rubbing the horse,"We're done Ava. You should continue with Bella."

I sniffed, Amelia was close.

Ava pulled me into a kiss. A warm feeling ran down my back again. I ignored it as she pulled away.

She smiled sadly. I helped her back on the horse.

"I love you." She whispered.

I slapped the horse ass making it take off.

I love you too.

The moment I told her the tattoo started glowing and warm started spreading throughout my body. I turned around, I could no longer sniff Amelia out.

I appeared beside her as she gave a message.

Beyond Repair (Book 4)(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now