Chapter Eight

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I appeared beside Jordan,"You should lock him up for tonight. Let everyone rest up. Tomorrow will be a long day."

"Ok Dad." She agreed.

She grabbed me before I could leave,"I'm taking mom powers away. She will still be immortal."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded,"We Can protect her if she ever needs it. Go take care of my future Queen."

I appeared back in Malissa room and took off my clothes. It was only the first day. I groaned. I kept on my sports bra and gym pants.

When my head hit the pillow I was out like a light.

I watched Malissa as she slept. How could I ever cheat on her? I pulled her shirt up and glanced at her tattoo. It was about the same size as mines and covered most of her stomach.

My fingers traced the outline.

I got back into the bed and rubbed her stomach again. Noticing the clothes that laid on the chair, I stood up and picked mines up.

"Get back in bed." She groaned without opening her eyes.

I smiled,"After I shower."

After showering, I grabbed the clippers and looked at my hair. I started trimming it. It was now mid-back length. Some parts was straight and some was curly.

I smiled in the mirror, I wish I could fuck myself. I cleaned the bathroom up and glanced at my outfit once more.

I walked out the bathroom. Malissa wasn't in sight. I opened the door and two guards stood.

"Jordan is expecting you right this moment."

I appeared to wherever she was and looked around. There was about 20 people looking at me with admiration. Including my friends.

What the fuck wrong with them?

"You're just in time Sam. There is an army marching along the coast. Heading straight for us." Jordan said showing pictures on the tv.

The Military? Vikings?

I looked at them closely,"France. We shouldn't attacked them unless they attack first."

"That's not all, they have ships." Bella said moving the pictures.

She continued moving the pictures around, how did they survive the bombs?

"How did they get a France flag if Vikings are from Scandinavia?" I mumbled.

I rubbed my face,"We should meet them halfway. Without using any of our powers."

"What do you think Malissa?" Jordan asked.

I looked up and everybody was staring at Malissa. But her eyes was focused on me.

I swallowed.

"It sounds good."

Jordan looked at Bella,"What about you?"

"Half should stay here if the people from last night shall return." Bella said still looking at the pictures.

She looked up,"And if we want peace with these Vikings people, we shouldn't take an army with us."

Jordan dismissed everyone. I stood watching the pictures. I didn't get a message to protect my home.

"You're still a Queen too?" I asked when I noticed Bella still sitting in the room.

She nodded,"I don't know why Jordan didn't explain to you. I have my own kingdom far west. In between there are houses, farms, and even camps to train the little kids for battle."

"People stay in your kingdom?"

"Mostly men until I find a husband." She said.

She smiled,"Josiah stays with me."


The fuck.

She frowned,"Sometimes he even calls me Mama Bella."

"I was about to say.."

That's disgusting as fuck.

"We should get ready to leave." She said from behind.

I appeared beside Malissa and sat on her bed as she brushed her hair. Maybe if I think something strong enough, she would read my mind and respond.


Malissa I've loved you since before I left. I thought those feelings was coming from Rose but I was wrong. If you can hear me look up.

She didn't.

"Of course I can hear you. I hear everything you think." She responded rolling her eyes.

I jumped at her sudden outburst,"How long have you been connected to me?"

She shrugged.

"How does it make you feel?" I asked nervously.

She looked at me,"I thought I buried it the moment I felt it, after watching you go threw women, I did bury it. Until it came back harder than before."

"Do you want to pursue it?"

She shook her head,"Probably not."

My heart dropped, it felt like my skin was broken into a million pieces. I wanted to hide under a fucking rock.

I sucked in a deep breath and nodded.

"Whatever works best for you. I should get going." I said standing up.

We're waiting on you Dad.

I jumped. How the hell can she do that? Malissa frowned at me but she didn't ask questions.

I disappeared.

I appeared beside Jordan. She smiled at me and handed me a rope to a horse. I quickly got on and nodded at everyone.

We took off threw the trees. No words were exchanged as the fast horses glided on the dirt. Riley rode in front of me making me glanced at her. What was she doing here?

I shook my head, as long as she's with me, she should be fine.

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