Chapter Twenty-Two

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As Malissa lightly snored, someone opened the door.

How did they get into my room? I didn't bother opening my eyes when I smelled him.

How bold is this guy?

I felt pain in my arm.

He's taking blood. Should I stop him? No.

"This is for you baby. The king doesn't deserve you." He whispered.

He groaned. Im guessing he injected himself with my blood. He soon left the room. I pulled Malissa closer. Sometimes problems solve themselves.

I jumped up when I felt someone push me.

No way I fell asleep.

"You killed him!? After I told you not too?" Malissa hissed standing over me.

I turned over,"I haven't left this bed Malissa."

"So you sent someone to do it? Who? Josiah? Mason? It doesn't matter, what does matter is you have to explain it to his group that is waiting outside of this bunker." She said then disappeared.

Get up.

I washed my face and appeared beside Malissa. I put my hand over my mouth as I watched the black blood run threw his veins.

Don't laugh, it's not funny. Josiah said laughing.

I looked up and indeed, Him and Mason was laughing. Malissa glared at all three of us making me clear my throat.

Amelia and her army appeared beside me and looked at the body.

They all started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" A woman asked them.

Before they could answer she pulled out a knife and threw it at Amelia. I stopped the knife midway and it dropped.

"One of you killed my brother! And you all laugh about it!" She yelled out in frustration.

I shook my head,"Your brother killed himself. He can't take things without asking for them."

"A woman!? Why would he ask you for anything?! You killed my brother out of jealousy!" She cried.

Amelia laughed,"Your brother took the king blood without permission. The blood immediately ate him up from inside to out."

"In about ten minutes there won't be anything left, not even bones, so enjoy his body while it last." Josiah added.

Everyone started to disappear as my mother and Malissa took blood from the body.

"Don't forget, 6:00. You should bring Malissa too." Amelia said before disappearing.

Malissa stood up and wiped her knees,"Should bring me? I wasn't going regardless, I have work to do."

"We both do. So finish up around 5:30 because  I'm popping in to take you out."

I appeared in my room before she could respond. After taking a shower, I put on khaki shorts and button down light blue shirt.

Putting on my shoes, I smiled at my feet. These beautiful creatures haven't been out in years. I appeared outside the hallway. Malissa worked in the room by herself.

'Are you coming sweetheart?' I slurred.

'No, Im busy.' She replied without turning around.

'Come out here, let's talk.'

She didn't respond. I groaned and appeared beside Amelia. She looked me up and down and smiled.

"I like the New look. Where is Malissa?" She asked.

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