Chapter Seven

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I gulped.

I felt the embarrassment rising to my face. Rose stood there with a smile on her face. She had on a tight black dress with red heels.

She didn't look the same.

Malissa squeezed my thigh to comfort me before she could move her hand away I grabbed and held it.

She's pretty. Ava said.

"Mother." Jordan said pointing to a seat.

"Sit down Rose." Bella said appearing behind her.

They both sat down and Bella looked at me then towards Ava.

"Who is the woman Sam?" Bella asked sipping her drink.

I rubbed my hair,"This is Ava and her daughter, Riley."

Bella reached out to shake Ava hand. She held Ava hand and looked at me.

"Pretty woman." Bella said basically raping Ava.

Ava blushed and nodded,"Thank you."

I felt a shiver run over my body. It wasn't Ava. I ignored it until I felt a tug on my body.

What the hell you doing Ava?

She looked at me weirdly and continued eating. As everyone has conversations I was almost zoned out. Maybe I came back too soon.

I felt something graze my dick. I swallowed and looked down. There wasn't anything.

'You don't know how much I've missed you.' Rose voice whispered in my ear.

My body immediately turned red. Im sure if Malissa was feeling everything I was feeling now she would definitely be angry.

My fork dropped on the plate making everyone look at me. I smiled and picked it back up.

"Maybe we should get more drinks." I said looking directly at Jordan.

We both stood up and walked to the bar.

"I'm sorry about Mom. I know she is messing with your mind." Jordan said grabbing the drinks.

I grabbed one,"You should tell her to stop. Ava powers is going over the roof, if she finds out Rose will get hurt."

"What do you mean?"

I smiled,"We're not together but Ava isn't fond of Rose."

"What about the baby?"

"It's mine, of course. Who can go years without sex?"

She nodded and grabbed everyone else drinks,"Let's get back."

The food was cleared from the table as the music got louder. The place was full with people. Most I never seen before.

My kids went to the middle of the floor and started dancing. Rose was with them. When Malcolm and Fox lovers walked into the club, they went to the dance floor.

Beyond Repair (Book 4)(GxG)Where stories live. Discover now