Chapter Fourteen

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I stirred without opening my eyes. The sun shine threw the window yet I was still so cold.

"Get up. We have to prepare for today." A voice said.

I opened my eyes to see Nora pouring water into the tub. She looked at me and blushed.

Ms. Pussy grip 3,000.

Amelia cleared her throat,"I can do it today Nora. You can go rest."

I stepped into the warm water. Amelia stepped in behind me. I raised my brow but I didn't say anything.

We bathe in silence.

Until I heard a sound.

"Did you just pass gas in the water?" I asked frowning.

She laughed making me quickly stand up. She grabbed my hand.

"Listen to it again."


"You sick! Why would I want to listen to that?!"

She smiled,"Thats not normal?"

"No." I said laughing.

"That's weird." She asked me holding up my finger.

I climbed out the tub. Screams filled my head making me fall to the ground. I snapped my fingers. Clothes appeared on my body.

"Something's wrong in the village. I will Gather your warriors. You must stay here." I said pulling my hair back.

I appeared the rooms and sounded the alarms. Every solider stood up and grabbed their weapons. We quickly gathered the horses. Amelia put a throw over around my neck. We all got on horses, except for the women and rode to the community.

I couldn't believe my eyes, most of the houses was on fire. I pulled out my sword and hit the nearest zombie.

Jumping off the horses, the soldiers did the same. The horses ran back home.

Zombie after Zombie after Zombie. It's like they keep piling up. Blood was all over me as the tattoo shined bright.

I stabbed another zombie just before it could bite a soldier.

I appeared beside Malissa. She smiled at me and continued killing zombies. An hour later we was finally finished. I looked around at the bodies. How did it spread so fast?

"What happened?" I asked them out loud.

"A guard brought another sick guard back." Bella said.

I rolled my eyes,"He didn't see the bite?"

"He didn't care. Every since you left these people won't listen to anyone. Jordan doesn't come out to rule anymore." Bella said.

I nodded.

I raised two big waves. The first one put out the fires. The second one collected all the dead bodies.

"Most of our food for winter has been destroyed." Bella whispered.

I looked at her,"That is still good right? I mean it was thousands of people here now it's about a hundred at most."

"We was about to send hunting parties out before we heard screaming."

I shook my head as the cries of family members got louder. I was away ten years, what the hell was they doing that entire time? Partying?

Is everything okay? Amelia asked.

No. I will send the guys back to look over you all.

And you?

I will be there when I finish.

Everyone sat at the tables and watched me. Most were still crying. The guy that did all the talking for Amelia walked up to me.

"We are finished. Do we collect our family and move here?"

I quickly shook my head,"No all of you can go back home."

They nodded and walked away. The soldiers came up and stood around us.

I looked at them,"What the hell was all of you doing while I was gone? All of our people is dead."

"They wouldn't listen to anyone." Bella said loud enough for them to hear it.

One of them laughed,"Fuck you."

He screamed out in pain as he fell to his knees. Josiah and Isabelle stood behind the guard.

"Put him on the table."

They put him on the table and watched me.

I trailed around his eye and whispered,"I won't kill you because there is enough crying going on already, but you will suffer."

Josiah put his hand around the guard mouth as I pulled his left right ball out of his eye sockets. He screamed out in pain but it was barely heard.

I threw him to the ground when I finished.

"Apologize to your Queen."

He held his eye, still whimpering,"I'm sorry."

They carried him to the nurse stations and the others stayed put, afraid to move. All of them is young, what happened to the older ones?

"If any of you have a problem with her being Queen, step forward." I said sitting down.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around.

Malissa was livid.

"Stop. It won't bring the ones we've lost back."

About fifteen guards stepped forward. Bella looked at me making me nod. Her and her loyal soldiers pulled out the swords and slaughtered the men.

My kids and crew immediately carried the bodies off.

I looked around, Where was Jordan?

"I hope you're proud of yourself. You killed off the last good soldiers we had!" Malissa said pushing me and wiping her tears.

I stood up and walked to Rose. She sat by herself rubbing her nails.

"Where is Jordan?"

She looked up,"Apparently she doesn't want to see you."

I rolled my eyes and appeared beside Jordan. She looked at me and pulled me into an hug.

"I thought it would've been another ten years." She said.

When she pulled away she looked me up and down,"Your pale and your tattoo has gotten bigger."

I nodded,"It happened while I was healing."

"I should have killed Avas daughter."

I shook my head,"That's your sister."

"Why you didn't come out to help?"

She shrugged and sat on her bed,"As long as you were gone I didn't care about anything."

I grabbed her hand and we appeared outside.

I whispered,"I will come back in five months. I expect everything to be situated, if it is I will give your powers back."

I kissed her head then left.

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