Chapter Twelve

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I appeared beside Amelia. They were camped out in the woods. Well her house is basically in the woods, secluded.

Her guards sat around the fire and cooked the meat. Most stared at me because of my glowing skin and my glowing tattoo as well.

I don't wish to find love again. I said inside my head.

You must fill your voids with something.

I sighed and went sat on a rock, off too myself. I felt someone sit beside me but I didn't look over. I didn't care that much.

"We must go hunt." Josiah said.

I didn't respond. I didn't move. Just kept staring straight.

I want to be alone. I said to Amelia.

She appeared beside us and put her hand on his shoulder,"Come back later."

He looked at me in shock,"Everyone is home crying because they think you have left. Yet you sit here as if you don't care."

They disappeared before he could go any further. Amelia came back as fast as she left.

She pulled my shirt,"We must prepare for winter. We have to hunt. Tomorrow will be bad before the winter."

I blinked my eyes and looked around.

"Your people was kind enough to build small shacks for my guards and soldiers. They even built a farmhouse. We reorganized the house that you have given us. I gave all of the electronics back, I don't need them."

They did a lot in three days. Well it is a lot of people.

She grabbed my face making me look at her,"We wasn't hand fed. It won't start today."

I moved her hand understanding what she meant. A young girl walked up to us and handed me some food. I slowly took the plate but kept her hand.

Her blonde hair flowed down her shoulders as she stared at me with those big blue eyes.

"What is your name?"

She looked at Amelia then respond,"Nora, King Sam."

Before I could ask anything else she was far gone.

"You are a respected king."

"That was my maid. I have a total of three, all women." She continued.

They must hunt? After tomorrow winter will come in?

"Something is walking towards us."

I blinked as about fifteen deers walked up to us. Amelia looked at me in shock. The men quickly captured the deers without killing four of them. They put them into the shed hoping they will mate during the winter.

So far they had chickens, squirrels, rice, beans, carrots and now deer.

Amelia looked at me,"This was the last time you did something like that. We enjoy going to get it."

I continued eating my food in silence.

"Since you are a King you are welcome to sleep in the house with my maids and I."

I looked at her,"Do you invite every King you meet?"

She touched my shoulder and we appeared in the house. I looked around in Awe. The house was different. You could easily see a big bedroom with animal fur around the bed.

I looked back, there was another big bed on the other end of the hall. In the middle of the beds was two thrones seats and a table with a fire pit.

"If it gets too cold, everyone will sleep in the hallway around the pit we had to build into this house to make it wide enough for everyone. They was working while you was sleeping for three days." She said.

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