Chapter Nine

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I blinked my eyes. We moved forward and was now miles in front of the people. Slowly the large group of men and women started to show.

My group stayed back as the people stopped and looked at us. I moved forward on my horse as Mason and Josiah followed me.

I jumped down and moved the hair out of my face.

"Who are you?" The man asked me.

I looked at him. He must be the leader.

"You're the visitor. I should ask you that."

His crew waved their Axe and started to grunt. Someone put their hand up. I say someone because I couldn't see their face. It was definitely a woman.

She pulled her hood off and raised her head.

She was beautiful. Her eyes was exactly like mines. Her long blonde hair sailed down passed her breast.

A shiver ran down my spine.

Malissa is watching.

I didn't care.

"This is our king." Josiah said to them.

The woman nodded.

"This is our Queen, Amelia. We come from the Southeast." He introduced.

I looked at him,"Why do you choose to come here?"

"Have you not heard? There is a plague going around." The man said.

"A desperate group got ahold of some chemicals in a lab and drunk it. Now they aren't normal."

I huffed,"What the hell you mean they aren't normal?"

"They're Zombies."

Mason started to laugh. I don't get why he would be laughing. I mean look at us, anything is possible.

I heard a horse running towards up and looked back. What was she doing here? When the horse stopped, Mason walked over and helped her down.

"We should get going. There is no time to waste." Malissa said looking at the man.

He looked at her hungrily,"Who are you?"

I finished,"Mine."

Is what I wanted to say, instead, I walked back to my horse. I had my chance and fucked up. Life goes on.

"We have to go back to get our ships." The man said.

Malissa looked at me,"Some of ours will follow you to show you the way to our village."

Josiah helped her on my horse. Josiah and Mason called Isabelle closer. The three of them followed the ships.

"My Queen and three soldiers will ride back with you." The man said.

I nodded and climbed on my horse behind Malissa. Their Queen got on Malissa horse and a soldier got in front of her. I wrapped my arms around Malissa as the horses took off.

With some use of my magic, we was back quicker than we left.

"You should make an announcement when we get back." Malissa whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back.

She rolled her eyes ,"Now is not the time."

She leaned back and laid her head down on my chest. Amelia turned and looked directly at me.

She's not normal.

He eyes flashed then she turned back forward. That's weird.

We all slowed down as the gates opened. I got off the horse and started to walk it to the stables, while Malissa stayed on.

Beyond Repair (Book 4)(GxG)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora