Chapter 60: Elysian Defense Initiative

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February 8, 1640
Albion Castle, Runepolis, Holy Mirishial Empire

High ranking officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Bureau of Information, and the Ministry of Defense gathered around the meeting room, taking their seats in silence as they waited for Emperor Mirishial to announce the beginning of the meeting. The emperor's eyes remained closed, opening once the sounds of shuffling and chairs scraping against the floor died out.

Without looking around, Mirishial announced to his advisors, "This meeting is now in session. We gather to discuss the ramifications of Gra Valkan expansionism. Arneus, please summarize the contents of your report."

A blonde human stood from his seat, concisely summarizing the recent conquests of the Gra Valkas Empire. "Two days ago, my bureau's informants received word of the Gra Valkas Empire's complete subjugation of the Conshal Islands. This action comes right after a slew of peaceful vassalizations that took place amongst Conshal Nations. A few rejected Gra Valkan demands, forming an alliance and securing the aid of a surviving Leiforian fleet. The fleet was defeated, with the survivors surrendering. Shortly thereafter, the Gra Valkan fleet laid siege to one of the Conshal Alliance's members. The battleships in this fleet attacked the capital city of the constituent Kingdom of Alno'ma Va. After a hostage deal involving thousands of surrendered alliance sailors, the alliance capitulated and agreed to relinquish their sovereignty. The Conshal Islands are now firmly under Gra Valkan control. As for the Mu continent, the Gra Valkans have worked on expanding their influence across the continent — enough to threaten Mu. Already, nations that were once protected by Leifor are now under Gra Valkan control. My spies in the Magikareich Community have also reported the development of closer ties with the Gra Valkans. Evidently, this is due to the superior technology of the Gra Valkans, which they were willing to offer in exchange for loyalty."

Heads turned as meeting participants looked at each other, their silent expressions speaking volumes of their concern.

Emperor Mirishial noticed this and elaborated on their objective. "The Gra Valkas Empire represents a shift in the global status quo. So does the United States of America. Arneus, your report on the Americans?"

Arneus nodded. "Four days ago, we discovered that the Gra Valkas Empire sent a delegation to the United States. Today, this delegation departed from the coastal city of San Diego via an American plane. We do not know what their destination is. We do know, however, that Mu is taking measures to study old American technology. Some of our analysts from the Ministry of Defense reported encounters with Muan analysts, namely an officer named Myrus. During a conversation, Myrus reportedly claimed that 'the era of Mirishial global superiority and dominance is coming to an end' and he wished our analysts luck in their endeavors to maintain the global status quo."

"This disruption is irreversible," Mirishial stated, "However, we can take measures to slow or stop this disruption. Liage, do you have any proposals?"

The aged elf stood up, "I do, Your Excellency. I believe the present situation is the best time to exercise the influence we've built up over the centuries. Most of the world still looks up to us as the 'strongest' in the world. We should leverage our credibility and bring as many nations as possible into our fold, prioritizing those that are bordering Gra Valkan or American puppets." Liage looked around the room as he continued his proposal, "This policy of containment will hopefully stop the spread of Gra Valkan and American support, although I believe we should focus more of our efforts on the Gra Valkans, considering their hostile tendencies compared to the more," he paused, searching for an apt description, "... Benevolent... Americans. I also believe we should refrain from antagonizing the Americans as much as possible, especially if we wish to continue learning from them."

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