Chapter 34

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This a long one. That's it that's all.



I opened my eyes and close them back instantly. Everything was so bright and my vision was a bit blurry.

The constant beeping sound was annoying the fuck outta me and I wanted whatever the hell that was to stop.

I slowly open my eyes again and wait for my vision to adjust to the brightness in the room.

I try to move but stop from the amount of pain that attack my body. "Yea no, that's not happening." I mumbled laying back in the position I was before. I need some water too my mouth dry as hell.

I know where I am and I remember everything that happened. I remember Rohan warning me in the corner store and being attacked as soon as I walked out. I also remember the person saying this is from Tony or something along those lines.

I remember an old lady leaning over me and talking to me. I was trying to tell her I'm pregnant and to call August.

"Oh shit! Im pregnant!" Instantly I went to touch my belly which was still round and firm. I breathe a sigh of relief. My baby is still In there.

You know in the movies when pregnant women get attack, they would wake up in the hospital with no baby. Usually in these types of situation the baby never survive. So I had to check.

Going back to my initial thought I rack my brain to remember what happened after the old lady tried to help me but couldn't.

Then I remember apart of the warning Rohan gave. He mention that people were after Aug as well.

I scan the hospital room quickly looking for my personal items. Most importantly my phone and Cheetos. Yes, Ima still need those.

I didn't see my belongings and I need water so I push the help button on the side of my bed. I just know my mom probably worried and my bae probably losing his shit.

"Hey, I see you're up! I'm nurse Adrienne."

Nurse Adrienne is cute. She look to be in her mid 20's and has a striking resemblance to Justine Skye.

"H-hi..." clearing my throat I make another attempt to talk but before I could she beat me to it.

"I'm so sorry let me get you some water." She went out the room and return with a cup of water in her hand passing it to me.

The first sip felt like heaven. This water taste like juice, this the best thing since slice bread. I'm talking crisp nice water not too cold just... right.

"Thank you. I don't know what y'all put in this water but ima need a bottle of it." I said making her laugh.

"Yea patients usually react that way over the water and our ice. I know that feeling." She said before continuing to speak.

"Okay... so I'm going to check your vitals make sure everything is good with you and the baby. Once everything has checked out we will let your family know you're up and they can come see you. Sounds good!?"

"Yea, sounds good... by chance do you know who's here and if they have my belongings that were on me when I came in?" I want to know who's here for me and who have my phone. I also want to know if August was out there. I'm praying they didn't go after him the same time they got me.

"Ahh quite a few people are out there waiting to see you. Some of them been here since yesterday so I'm sure they might have your items. Your mom has been following up as well. I cover shifts with her sometimes." I was hoping to get more specifics but I guess I'll take that.

Habits of My Heart Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora