Chapter 25

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Shout out to @xpslskkssk, @sourpatcchkid for commenting and showing love ❤️❤️

Also thanks for 16k reads shits unbelievable 😭❤️




That's all I felt as I tried to move.

My bladder felt like it was about to burst but I can barely move to get to the bathroom.

Fearing that I might pee the bed I called out for August to come help me.

My only options are to either pee in his bed or ask for his help. The first option would get my ass cursed out and embarrassed and the second I would boost his already big ego and still embarrass myself.

Either way I'd be embarrassed so I chose the latter.

Sitting on the edge of the bed I squeezed my legs together as I feel the pee coming.

"August, please hurry!" I called again frantically.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked rushing towards me and checking to see if I was okay.

"I have to pee."

"The fuck you calling me to tell me that for? Got me thinking you was dying or some shit."

"I can't move you fucking idiot I need you to take me to the bathroom. I'm like 5 seconds away from peeing right here." I was serious as hell too.

He bust out laughing and shaking his head, before picking me up bridal style and carrying me to the bathroom.

"I should pee on you for laughing." I just want to slap that smile off his face.

"I wish the fuck you would."

"Well if yo ass don't hurry up and get me on this toilet your wish just might come through." I said rolling my eyes.

As he sat me on the toilet the pee immediately came gushing out of me. I hissed and squeeze my eyes closed as the pee came out. He battered my poor vagina making it hurt like hell.

"I beat that thang out the frame. You want me to order a wheel chair for you?" He asked laughing.

Ignoring his presence and childish behavior, I throw my head back and let out a long sigh as I got use to the sting.

Releasing your bladder when you've been hold your pee for a long time is the second best thing close to an orgasm. Cleaning your ears with a cotton swab is the first. That shit feels amazing, got your eyes rolling back and shit.

My pee kept going on and on. The moment I think I'm finish more would come. My bladder was over full for real.

"Damn it takes you that long to pee?"

With a frown on my face I turn towards him. "Why you still standing there?"

"Cause I can, you got a problem?"

"Yes, you watching me pee is fucking weird."

Cleaning myself, I flush the toilet and held on to the edge of the shower curtain trying to stand up.

"You my girl so it ain't weird, and I ain't want to leave you in case you fall and can't get up. I might have to get you a life alert along with that wheel chair." He said cracking up as he came over to help me stand.

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