Chapter 29

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This a lonnggg one so enjoy it 😬😬

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Yesterday which was Sunday, Janelle, Martina and I had went to visit Tyrell in the hospital but before we got to see him, he was rushed into emergency surgery due to internal bleeding.

Apparently the doctors hadn't remove the bullet that was in his back because it was close to his spinal cord and too risky. It could possibly cause more nerve damage and or effect the function of his brain.

He's already paralyzed from the waist down so they didn't want to risk paralyzing the right side of his body or worst turn him into a vegetable.

What that means is that it could possibly affect his brain and he wouldn't be able to live without life support basically, so the doctors didn't want to take that risk if they didn't have to.

However, when he would move around or try sitting up the bullet would travel going further into his spine which cause internal bleeding so they had no choice but to take the risk and remove the bullet.

I've been so worried and scared for him. All night I prayed that everything would go well and he would making out of surgery with no problem.

His mom was nice enough to keep us informed and updated on his situation which I'm grateful for. We try to be there for her as much as we can giving her our love and support.

She's a single mom and Tyrell is her only child so I couldn't imagine the pain she was feeling.

Hearing my phone ring knocked me out of my thoughts as I took it off the charger to see who's calling.

It was currently after 2 in the evening and I had decide to stay home from school. I didn't need to go I had all my credits and Thursday was graduation there was no point in going anymore.

The moment I saw Tyrells mom name flash across the screen, I got nervous and start to think the worst.

Before answering the phone I mentally prepare myself for whatever news she was about to tell me.

"H-hello." I answered nervously rubbing my sweaty palms on my shorts.

"Hey Xe, I'm just calling to let you know Rell is out of surgery. Everything went well thank God." I let out a sigh of relief and said I mental praise to God.

"That's great, I was so nervous and worried, I've been keeping him in my prayers so I'm happy to hear he's out and the surgery went well."

"Thanks so much Xe, he hasn't wake up yet but the doctors said he should be up with the next hour." I could hear the relief in her voice. I know he's not out of the woods yet but he's one step closer to recovery.

"That's great, I'll let the girls know how he's doing and we'll continue to keep him in our prayers."

"Thanks boo, If y'all want to come back and see him y'all can come later I'm sure he'll be up by then."

"Janelle and Martina are working later so I'll be the only one coming but I'll let them know he's doing."

"Okay, I'll see you later but for now get some rest baby girl I know you been worrying about my son and I'm grateful for all your support and prayers."

"It's no problem Ms. Tanya you know Tyrell and I were always close so it's the least I can do honestly."

"I know. Keep ya head up babygirl, bye."

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