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If you're gonna stay, then stay
But if you're gonna go, make sure that you hurt me just enough to...

Make me feel something.


I don't know at what point in my life I grew out of the introverted person that I was but I know that I have changed. My life and the way I view things have changed and it's all thanks to Him.

Before Him i was drowning in my insecurities behind closed doors but he brought those insecurities to the forefront.

I hated going out but somehow he find a way to change that despite knowing how much I disliked being around people... nope that haven't changed I still dislike people I just tolerate them a little more now.

That's one of the reasons why we got along so perfectly but we bumped heads a lot because we're both too head strong and dominant.

We fought fire with fire despite knowing that we're only burning ourselves in the end but we didn't care.

Looking back at all the damage we've cause i really wished we cared but he made me feel and I craved the attention from him.

We were bad for each other in a good way but he recked anything in his path and I got wrapped up in him and  stand by while he destroyed me.

We held on tight suffocating each other but neither one of us wanted to let go. If we were going to drown then we'd do so together... and we did.

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