Chapter 4

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We're now in the middle of October and the time was getting colder.

I love fall and spring weather. It wasn't too hot or too cold on certain days. I hate winter and summer. New York summer is way to hot for my liking and the winter is as cold as it gets.

Around school everyone was buzzing about the upcoming Halloween party and I was honestly a little excited for once.

I usually don't go out to school parties, but I made a promise to myself that I would enjoy my senior year and experience all the craziness high school had to offer while I still can. I don't want to look back on my high school experience and not have anything fun or exciting to say about it.

I know outsiders are not usually allowed to our school parties but this year it's different. They're trying to raise money for the senior trip and everyone has to buy tickets to get in.

With our school I.D we get to pay $5 but outsiders that don't go to our school have to pay $10 which is fair I guess. I know August and his friends probably going to be there too. That's another reason why I want to go so badly.

I haven't seen him since he came up to the school last month. Which I was bummed about cause i really did want to see him.

On the bright side I started the work study program. I have a total of 5 students that I tutor through the week after school which I don't mind. Only downside is I get home way later than usual.

The pay is good though, I get $180 a month for every student I tutor and since I decide to tutor five students I get $900 every month.

I already got paid for this month and I'm happy. I plan to use the money towards getting a car. I have a total of 7 months left for the school year and in all I'll be getting $6,300 which is enough to get my car.

I was on my way to gym class and I was taking my time going down the staircase. I was in no rush to deal with Mr. Booth.

Before I go to turn the corner I hear hushed voices so I step back and slowly peep around the corner.

My eyes damn near popped out of my head seeing Shanique and Christian or Chris as everyone called him. He was a nice dark chocolate thang who ran for our track team not to mention he was tall as hell. But he was a taken man, definitely not by Shanique.

Him and his girlfriend was both on the track team and Shanique know he have a girlfriend but still chose to mess with him. I watch them sucking each other face before I fully turn the corner letting my presence be known

Looking up they jumped away from each other. I just looked at Shanique who was pretending like they weren't doing anything.

"Wassup Chris, how's Melissa she missed gym class twice last week" I purposely being petty and ignoring Shanique.

"Ah-umm she good her allergies was acting up so she was out, but she good thou" he said scratching his head.

"Oh that's good, I have gym with her now so I'll see her... hey Shani ain't you suppose to be in physics right now?"

"Girl you know I don't like that class I was just gonna come chill with you in the gym or something" she said looking at me

"You know Mr. Booth ain't gonna let you in so that's pointless but okay, I'll be on my way now.. see ya later" walking off I left them right there looking guilty as hell.

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