The unknown character

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AUTHORS NOTE; This following chapter is going to be told in a bit of a creepy manner.Basically our unknown character is a bit of a stalker and perhaps an old friend?

Unknown's POV;

I sat in the library, the shelf of books in front of me laid perfectly so I could see the lovebirds. A wicked smile played across my lips as I blew out my candle, time to approach Scorpius and Lily.

Lily almost ran into me, the look on her face was priceless as she looked up at me. " Oh! Sorry." She said sheepishly. I didn't reply as I watched Scorpius' arm go protectively around her waist.

I peered down at her, my cloak hood was pulled over my head. " Oh it's quite alright." I replied grinning, Scorpius' grip around her waist tightened.

"Well we've got to go, it was nice bumping into you." Scorpius told me, the nice tone clearly forced. We stood eye to eye for a few seconds before I sidestepped allowing them to pass.

" I thought he transferred..." I heard Scorpius "whisper" to Lily,who glanced back at me. I shook my head chuckling before going off on my own.

The next encounter between us wasn't as kind as I could have hoped.

But seeing Scorpius get so fired up, it was hilarious.

I loved it.

"You've been watching us you sick b*stard." Scorpius yelled shoving me against the wall,wand pointed at my throat.

My only reply was to smile that formed, so he noticed.

His icy blue gaze stared at me, clearly disturbed with my smile.

" What's wrong with you? You've been such a freak since we got back to school." He said letting go of me.

Bipolar I though glaring at him.

Lily deserves better I thought turning away from the blondes gaze.

"Talk to me damn it!" He yelled again.

I turned to him, eyes narrowed but a small smile played on my lips," Hm?" I asked tilting my head to the side. Scorpius' hand dropped to his side before he turned to walk away.

"What is it you want Scorpius? I've turned to look at you, I'm even talking to you like you so kindly asked. So in return you answer my question. What is it you want? " I asked staring at the back of his head.

" Answers." He scoffed but continued walking away.

Rather rude if you ask me.

But Lily, oh she hurt me more than Scorpius ever could.

That day the Death Eaters attacked, sure I was part of that but she denied me so terribly.

I even helped locate her boytoy when they took him.

I was repaid with being sent away and tortured by the Ministry.

A small chuckle escaped my lips,slowly turning into a laugh which caused Scorpius to turn around.

He has no idea what I did, being apart of his fathers plan, going to his all those late nights. He just thinks I'm just some nice kid turned psychotic freak frm the attack.

Maybe he was right.

Maybe I was.

The next morning I sat at my House's table, my gaze purely on Slytherin's table.

" Move down." A small first year girl said to me peering down at me.

My attention snapped to her, " Listen here, if you tell me in that tone again I will use all three of the unforgivable curses on you. " I responded sweetly.

" Now off." I said dismissing the girl.

That night I "accidently" ran into Scorpius and Lily.

" You're following us." Scorpius accused staring at me.

I stared blankly at him, I wasn't going to deny the truth.

" Why?" He demanded staring at me, stepping forward so we were eye to eye.

I continued to stare blankly at him.

"Scorpius, leave him alone. " Lily told him,her hand on his elbow trying to pull him away and he allowed her to.

" I told him to kill her." I said quietly staring at him from the hood of my cloak.

" What?" He asked turning to face me but I know he heard me.

I flashed him a smile, " Your father, I told him to kill her." I said just as slow and quiet as before.

" You son of a b.tch" He yelled sending a punch to my jaw.

I wasn't expecting that but I recovered quickly.

" You never would've guess. I wanted it to be much slower but Draco went for the quick way. Tsk, It's a shame." I told him stepping back from another punch.

" Too bad you didn't die." I said with a small smile.

That was the last thing I got to say to him before I was taken away.

hey, I hoped you liked this chapter! I wanted to change things up a bit and I would greatly appreciate it if you commented on this chapter giving your opinions! Maybe this mystery character will be revealed next chapter?

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