Making it work

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Scorpius sat in the Slytherin common room, Lily besides him engulfed in the book she was reading. Although the two professed  their love they weren't together, something Scorpius believed to be his fault. If he had just listened to Lily about Emily they'd probably still be together but now here he was stuck being her friend. 

Scorpius sighed running a hand through his light blonde hair. " Liiiiiiiiiily." he whined slouching over.

"What?" She replied crossly glaring at him, irritated that he interrupted her reading.

" I messed up." He mumbled leaning back staring up at the ceiling.

" I know, I was trying to read and you just think you can interrupt that..." 

" No I mean with Emily." Scorpius said sitting back up turning to face her. " You do realize nothing happened between us until you  broke up with me, right?" He asked the redhead he was looking at.

Lily sent the blonde a glare as she closed her book, " Do not even start with me." She replied drily. "I broke up with you because that's what I thought was best." 

" Yeah well it wasn't." Scorpius mumbled in response.

" You think I don't realize that?" Lily asked quietly. " Scorpius I love you, You know that as well as I do, but I did what I thought was right. Please respect that." She said looking at him.

"I do respect that Lily.... But you have to understand where I'm coming from. " Scorpius replied blowing over the fact that she said she loved him. He closed his eyes leaning back once again trying to gather his thoughts. 

"You're going to give yourself one of those headaches." Lily interrupted still looking at him. 

She was right, recently Scorpius had been getting atrocious headaches that could last hours on end,leaving him to lay on the couch because he refused to go to the infirmary.

He sighed,nodding agreeing with her before resting his head in her lap already feeling one come. 

Lily sighed,running her fingers through his hair," You really need to go infirmary." She told him, resting her hands on his head. 

" No I don't." Scorpius replied peering up at her from the corner of his eye. " They're not that bad... honestly."

"You're lying to me." She replied drily. 

Scorpius sighed in response staring ahead at the fireplace. " Whatever." he said flatly as Lily ran her fingers through his hair once again.


Scorpius sat at he and Lily's unofficial official table in the library. Only glancing up to see the paper being tossed towards him.

"Look." Lily said gruffly, pointing at the front page. 

"Not now." He replied still writing, not bothering to look at the page.

"I'm being serious Scorpius." She replied, the urgency clear in her voice.

Scorpius' blue gaze met her green one which was filled with worry before the blonde looked at the paper. On the front page was a picture of his father's Azkaban mug shot followed by the words " Dangerous Azkaban inmate breaks out." Scorpius stared at Lily, his blue eyes wide.

" Has he contacted you?" She asked, her voice sounding somewhat accusing.

"No." Scorpius replied flatly. " Why the hell would you think that?" he asked offended.

"Last time you kept it a secret until it was the last minute." She replied before sitting besides him.

"Whatever." Scorpius replied drily pushing  the paper back towards her. " If you don't recall he killed my mother." He spat. " I would obviously tell someone if he contacted me, I hate him." Scorpius said angrily standing up.

"Scorpius..." Lily started reaching out for his hand.

"Is that really what you'd think I'd do." He asked quietly, all traces of anger was replaced with hurt. " Lily he killed my mother. He tried to kill me...I wouldn't...." He trailed off staring down at his feet.

"I know. I'm sorry, Scorpius." She apologized standing up as well." I didn't mean it. I don't know why I asked, I'm just so scared of another attack." Lily said quietly trying to meet Scorpius' gaze. The gazes met each other and the two stared at the other. Lily slowly reached her hand up to his cheek, cupping it. " I didn't mean it." She whispered looking up at the tall blonde.

" I know, if I knew anything I would've told you." Scorpius replied stepping closer to her.

"No that's not what I meant." She replied.

Scorpius nodded before connection his lips with hers,"I know." he said kissing her.Pulling away he leaned his head against her forehead before stepping back. His blue gaze stayed connected with her green one, he could feel the smile form on his lips. "You're beautiful." He told Lily before taking a seat.

Lily stood there, unsure of what to do but she was ecstatic. She leaned down rest her chin on Scorpius' shoulder, " I love you." she told him before taking her seat, taking another glance at the paper that laid open to Draco's face plastered to the front. " Scorpius..." she started before stopping herself, unsure of where she was going.

Scorpius glanced at her but was unfazed, " You know what you should do." He said, changing the subject.

"Hm?" Was Lily's reply as she opened her book.

"You should be my girlfriend again." Scorpius replied nonchalantly, casting a glance in her direction.

"I suppose I should."

"I suppose you are now?"

" I suppose so." Lily replied trying to fight the smile that was tugging at the corner of her mouth, looking at Scorpius, who already had his stupid smile across his face.

"Well I guess that settles that."


Scorpius laid in his bed, he had been reading up on the effects of  crucio. His mind flashing back to the day, he shuddered. But Scorpius was sure that it had to be the reason for his agonizing headaches. It was the only thing that could possibly make sense. Closing his book, the blonde boy stood up casting a glance at the large grandfather clock in the corner of the room he shared with 2 other boys, although he rarely saw them.

He was already late enough for dinner, but if he didn't show up Lily would get worried. Sighing Scorpius slipped his shoes on, and as he made his way to the great hall he thought about his father and how he managed to escape. It really didn't make sense that his father would be like this now. Growing up Draco was the ideal father, it wasn't until Lucius fell ill that Draco began his old ways.

Scorpius sighed, running a hand through his thick hair, that was growing too long. Maybe he would have Lily cut it, she always managed to know exactly what he wanted.


" Ew look who arrived." Lily said teasingly as Scorpius sat down.

Scorpius rolled his eyes, " You're madly in love with me, you can't even deny it." he replied giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"You're not wrong. " Lily answered pushing him gently.

Scorpius smiled looking down at his plate of food, all his previous worries disappeared and for this moment in time everything was okay. 


Whoa an update.

I promised one after Christmas and here it is

Wham bam slam

I got a new computer so who knows maybe more updates will happen.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now