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I couldn't being myself to return the smile as I glanced back to the Death Eaters who were leading us don the hall. I recognized the tall,dark haired man from one of the meetings at my house. " Let's go." The dark haired man called out startling me,I glanced at him and bit my tongue to prevent myself from saying anything regretting. Lily and I's hands found each other,bringing comfort to us both, as we walked up the stairs to the great hall. I stared ahead as the other Death Eater, A woman who I didn't recognize walked past us.

The moment I stepped foot into the Great Hall, my heart dropped. There at the front was my light haired father,our blue eyes met but I dropped my gaze disgusted with him. Lily's hand tightened as she glanced at me,but I chose not to meet her gaze.I let got over her hand as I sat down at our table, icing everyone out as I stared at the front. I felt  the blood from my face disappear as some of the students from my house went to join my father and the other Death Eaters at the front.

Students of Hogwarts, don't be alarmed. We are here to teach you the proper arts of magic unlike the muggle sh*t they're forcing down your throats. " My father started and the Great Hall grew quieter than it already had. "  Rebelling will....frankly result in punishments.

He didn't get to finish before some stood up shooting curses at the Death Eaters. I stood up reaching for my own before McGonagall came in followed by the other professors, " 7th years stay, 6th years and under leave for your common rooms. Protect each other and be careful." I heard her say before I pulled Lily up, fear flashed in her eyes.

I led a group of younger Slytherins with Lily, alert for the possibility of Death Eaters roaming the halls. I could tell that they had already fought in the halls of the school due to the rubble that we had once called a corridor.I could hear the distant sound of dueling echo off the stone walls,"You know don't see the point in going against them.think they're right, no one cares about muggles or mudbloods. Why even protect them, they shouldn't be allowed here. " I heard a boy in Lily's year say. I couldn't believe it, we were supposed to be accepting now. I had always assumed we were living in harmony, I supposed, I thought after the war everyone got over everything with muggle-borns.

I, unfortunately was wrong.

"What did you say?" I heard Albus say, shoving the other boy against the wall. The two exchanged words and I was growing worried with the fact death eaters were roaming the halls and the 2 were arguing. "Both of you just shutup." I hissed before continuing walking, glancing over my shoulder seeing the rest follow including Albus and the boy.

I whispered the password making the younger years go in first,everyone else, then Lily then myself.

It had been a few days since the DeathEaters had decided to attack the school,class so had been postponed, and we had lost quite a few. 

I carefully walked down the hall Lily behind me,we were going out to the court yard.That's where we were suppose to be going ordered by the Deatheaters,so now everyone in the school was carefully make their way there for fear of there being Deatheaters roaming the halls.

Lily's hand and mine found each other as we stood in front facing the Deatheaters that ere standing in front of the bridge.I gingerly glanced around at the bloody and battered faces of my classmates, and I felt a hand on my shoulder.I looked over and my blue gaze met my mothers. "Mum?" I whispered amazed. She looked much older than the last time I had seen her,it was clear that she had also been fighting. She gave me a weak smile before staring ahead. 

"Scorpius  Malfoy." I heard my name being called out. "Step forward....Now!" I stared at the deatheater who was besides my father who had called out my name. what did they want? Especially in front of the whole school. I let go of Lily's hand, "Scorp... no." Her green eyes pleading for me not to step forward but I did.I instantly regretted my decision as the deatheater reached out and grabbed my arm pulling me closer. "Join us'll be worth it if you do. You'll be with your father and your new family." the grubby man whispered into my ear sending chills down my back.I pulled my arm out of his grasp. " No." I replied standing my ground.

Another mistake.

Very well..." He said flashing a smile raising his wand. "No...let me. The boy needs to learn." I heard Draco say. Some kind of wicked look spread across his face as he lifted up his wand, my eyes went wide. I knew I wouldn't be able to out run whatever he had in store but I still tried, " Crucio." The curse hit me in the back,the pain of it unbearable so I fell to the ground. The pain was terrible, like white hot knives stabbing me continuously, but he wouldn't stop. No matter how loud my screams of pain were, or the fact that I was his blood. " Scorpius." I heard my mum yell and that's when it stopped.

I couldn't move,not at the moment at least,my body still recovering from the instense ammount of pain it had just been through.I heard multiple footsteeps coming towards me, I hoped Lily wasn't one for fear of what they'd do it her. I turned my head a little seeing McGonagall and my mum coming towards me,Lily was being held back by James and her mum. I was confused so to why her parents and my mum were here but I put it together, her parents were aurors and my mumwas probably here to warn and help. 

" Oh god Scorpius." I heard my mum say helping me up. I turned to look at my father as the other deatheaters were retreating. "Avada Kedavra' I heard him say. I braced for the curse to hit in kill me,but it wasn't aimed at me.

I felt my only support fall to the ground. 

The curse had been aimed at my mother.

My father just killed my mother.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now