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It was now December, I had gotten letters from my father stating that I wouldn't be coming home for Christmas. My grandfather, Lucius Malfoy, had fallen quite ill and was needed to be cared for 24/7.  So here I sat, 3 days before everyone left for home in the common room absorbing the warmth from the fire in front of me. It was a Saturday and most people were at Hogsmeade buying last minute presents, but i was laying on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room,a book above my head.

        I felt someone poke my cheek and I lowered my book seeing the one and only Lily Potter staring down at me. I sat up making some room for her. " You didn't go to Hogsmeade?" I asked brows furrowed. She shook her head, " No, I already have all my gifts for my family." She said with a small shrug. " Are you excited to be going home Scorp?"Lily asked leaning forward looking at me. " I'm not going home."I said quietly as I read. I may have forgotten to tell her that I was staying at Hogwarts for Christmas. I looked up seeing her gone.

        A day had passed and I was in the Great Hall bright and early. I felt a flick on my ear and glanced over my shoulder as Lily sat down chuckling. I rolled my eyes as I felt a piece of paper being slid to me. " What is it?" I asked looking at the Auburn haired girl next to me. "it's from my mum." She grinned at my confused expression. Brows furrowed I opened the letter.

Scorpius Malfoy,

                                Lily has informed Harry and Myself that you'll be spending Christmas at Hogwarts. That isn't the proper way to spend holidays, so we're inviting you to stay the break with our family. There's already been a room accommodation for you dear. harry and I both hope you wish to stay.

                Ginny Potter.

I smile tugged at the corner of my lips as I folded the letter back up.

My father obviously wasn't open to the idea when I had written to him, but my mum was open to the idea of me spending Christmas.

It was monday morning and everyone who'd be leaving for their families were on the train. I sat with Lily, and Albus along with their cousins Rose and Hugo Weasley.

When we got to Kings Crossing station we were met by Lily's mum, Ginny and who Lliy whispered into my ear to be Hermione. The ride to the Potter's house wasn't far but when we got there, to put it kindly, all hell broke lose.

I'll update soon! Thanks so much for the 100 reads <3 means lots! 


Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now