Dealing with it

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I sat alone in the field outside of the Potter's hide. My face wet from the tears that seemed to never so, no matter how hard I tried. I lost track of how long I had been here, the cold and snow no longer bothered me.I ignored the sound of the snow crunching under someone's feet as they walked towards me. I didn't bother looking over when the person sat down. "Scorpius..." I heard the voice that belong to Lily say softly. I looked at her, I hadn't realized the tears had stopped until I felt the warmth of them go down my cheeks once again.She wrapped her arms around my shoulders,her head rested  on on my shoulder.

I pulled my knees up to my chest,my head inbetween them as I sillently cried.

We stayed like that for awhile before I turned to her,hugging her. I turned her face towards me,confused to see that she also was upset about my grandfather. "Lily?" Her green eyes met my blue. " Everyone hated him...." "No, Scorpius. Everyone did not hate him. I, I didn't hate Lucius. Scorpius, I hated what he did." She said quietly gazing up at me. 

After about 10 minutes we walked back to her house, I silently packed my stuff.

Dear Lily,

               Honestly I don't understand the point of sending me back home. I sat alone for the rest of vacation alone because my father was in a state of denial. My father... Dearest Lily where do I start with him. He's gotten worse since the last time I wrote, yells more at  my mum. Yells at me more. Last night I left the library and heard my mum crying softly in the guest room, I went in to comfort her. Seeing my mum cry numerus times the past days Lily has not been the ideal way to spend my holidays. Dinner was awful last night,my mum tried to talk to me and my father went off the handle on her, and the moment I tried to step in I was sent away. But what's new,right Lily? When aren't I being sent away because my prentious father can't get over his ways. God Lily you don't understand how much I want to get out of here with my mother. 

                         Yours truly,

                                                Scorpius Malfoy

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now