New school year

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My 6th year at Hogwarts had finally ended, and I was permanently staying with Arthur and Molly. Since school got out in June I had been in America, Molly discovered I had some sort of artistic talents and I went off on a trip to a college there. The school was similar to Hogwarts, with there being other wizards and witches. The summer course was coming to an end and I'd finally be getting to see lily before school started again.

Lily POV

I perked up hearing the familiar sound of my grandparents car roll up or gravel driveway.I pushed the curtain to the side as I peeked out the window. For a moment when Scorpius first came out of the car, I lost my breath. In the time span for about three months he had changed. His platinum blonde locks that were once shaggy had been trimmed to a much shorter length, and he had also grown taller. I stared at the other windows of the car, trying to see if my grandparents were with him. I opened the wooden front door of my house,and ran up to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest.

I sat at the head of my bed,legs crossed, cradling my mug of tea as I listened to Scorp tell of his experiences in America. I looked up from my spot hearing some of my papers fall off my desk. I grinned handing my boyfriend my mug as I got up. I looked down at the face of Scorpius' beloved abyssinian cat, Octavian. He meowed as I picked him up, " Octavian? " I heard Scorpius say as I turned. After the battle, Octavian was one of the few pets not recovered, Scorpius was obviously heartbroken. But once he had left for America, they had done one last sweep through the school and they had found a rather healthy Octavian. I  traded the large cat for our mugs and watched Scorpius craddle his cat.

Scorpius POV

I sat in the Potter's living room,reading, Lily beside me doing the same. I got up hearing the familiar noise of an owl and I grinned seeing the letters it as carrying. I opened the window taking the letters, they were probably our school list's for the year.

Albus, Lily, Rose and Hugo (Lily's cousins) and I sat at the table to open our letters, some kind of traidition they had. I didn't mind,it just made me happy to know they basically let me into their family despite everything that has happened. 

Dear Scorpius H. Malfoy, 

                                        I am pleased to inform you that aftermuch consideration you have been picked to Head boy of your house,Slytherin. 

Attached to this letter are your Head boy duties along with nessacry items for your final year at Hogarts.


           Minerva McGonagall 

I skimmed through the item list, a grin spread across my face. I glanced across th table at Lily,who had a grin aswell. Our gazes met, every time are gazes it felt like the first time I had ever set eyes on her, the same butterflies and the same twinkle in her eyes. I raised my eyebrow and she looked down at her paper before looking back up at me grinning wider. I pushed my letters towards her and was given hers in exchange. My eyes scanned across the cerisp paper before they met the wordLILYPOTTER and SLYTHERINPERFECT. My blue eyes watched her face as she read my letter,almost jumping up before giving me a smile with wide green eyes.

Shopping for the school year wasn't too hard just the usual items. 

I stood besides Lily,waiting for the Hogwarts train to come get us. Our hands found the others as we watched the new students roam about looking rather exicited.

Little did we know these school year would be downward spiral...

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now