Ronald and Lucius

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I stood next to Lily, our shoulders touching,as a very red faced Ronald Weasley approached us. I stared at him as he spoke in a rather loud whisper to Ginny and Hermione. " You two are absolutely mental bringing that Malfoy boy into our house. " He spat and I couldn't help but to flinch at his words. He had a right, I suppose, with  everything my family had done. I was used to it by now. " Ronald. " I heard Hermione say in a warning. Lily looked up at me, "Come on." She said quietly walking to the Potter's house. I glanced over my shoulder meeting Ron's steady glare before walking into the house.

        I followed Lily up the spiral staircase and down the hall, the first room on the right belonged to her oldest brother James. His door was open and when he saw me he closed it. I could still hear Ron's whispers, as they were carried up the vents. Lily looked over her shoulder,offering me a small smile as she opened the guest door."I'll be back in a bit Scorp." She said looking at me before leaving me to my new room.

        I had just finished unpacking and was laying in the metal framed twin bed,looking up at the ceiling when I heard a knock. " Come in." I said figuring it was Lily. Just as I assumed the familiar red head stood in my doorway and closed it silently behind her. I watched the sunlight hit her perfectly in the face, "Sorry about my Uncle Ron." She said quietly sitting down at the foot of my bed as I sat up."It's fi-" She cut me off. " No. Scorpius it isn't fine." Lily said flatly.

  It was now dinner time and I was following Lily down the spiral staircase. I joined her at the table earning a rather harsh look from Ron. I sighed sitting staring at my food as the family around chattered with excitement. It wasn't like being ignored mattered I was used to it.




        I felt Lily's hand drop down into mine which was resting in my lap,  and she gave me a small smile. I returned it.

"So Scorpius tell me about yourself." Harry said looking at me, in a weak attempt to make conversation. Ginny gave him a smile, making me feel like she had put him up to making small talk with myself. " Well... Uh. I play Quidditch and I've got a rather high mark in most of my classes." I told him looking him in the eyes. Harry nodded in approval glancing at Ron who rolled his eyes in response.

        A few days had passed and the Potters and Hermione had all warmed up to me, and I to them. My mother decided to come visit, I sat besides Lily on the couch both of us peering eagerly into the kitchen. My mum, her mum and Hermione seemed to be getting alright, they all sat around the table sipping on tea talking and laughing.

        My mum stayed for dinner,even making conversation with Ron which was sort of amazing because he couldn't even look my direction.

   Two days had passed since my mother had paid a visit. It was Christmas Eve and there was  a knock at  the door, I volunteered to open it. There stood my red,puffy eyed mother. I glanced over my shoulder making eye contact with Lily who looked quite worried before taking a step outside,closing the door behind me. I could tell by my mother's face that my grandfather had passed away.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now