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I,unlike every other student at Hogwarts who left on vacation, came back early to join those who never left. I stood in the cold rain that was almost sleet awaiting the arrival of the train. I wasn't alone though,there were a few others who were also waiting.

I sat on one of the few metal benchs,not bothering to get up when the train first arrived. I looked up,glancing at each of the windows. My gaze caught hers,and I felt the corner of my mouth turn upwards.Of course Lily took her time walkng over to me, I mean she did have other friends. I stood up as she stood in front of me, "Hey... " I said looking down at her. She let go of her trunck handel and wrapped her arms around my neck, so fast that I almost fell over. " I missed you Scorp." She whispered next to my ear, sending chills down my back. The good kind of chills.

We sat together in the carriage on the way back to the school. Lily's headrested on my shoulder as I listened to her siblings and cousins tell stories about what had happened after I left.

 "Hey Scorpius...can we talk?" Lily asked glancing at my as I wrote my essay for potions. I shrugged and dropped my quill,looking at her.We were in the library in our own row,that was our unofficial study spot. I heard her chair move closer to me," It's about your letters." I bit my lip and looked at her. 'What about them?" I asked slightly iritated. i wrote to her because i could trust  her.  " It's not okay, how your father acts. You realize that don't you Scorpius? You must..." Lily said softly.

Of course I know it wasn't okay, the things Draco said to my mother and myself. I nodded slowly. What Lily didn't know was my father had been holding seceret meetings with ex-death eaters. I heard them one night -

It was 1 am and I was still up, I had walked down stairs. I sat on the bottom step, covered in the shadows of my house as death eaters I recongized from learning about in school, floo powder and aperate into my house. Curious as ever i followed close behind the last one, into one of the rooms that we didn't use often. I sat against the wall outside the door listening to their conversation. " We mustn't let what happened last time happen again. The potter boy may have killed the Dark Lord, but that doesn't mean we can't avenge his death. We will take over that bloody school once again, kill those who go against us." The blood from my face left and I ran down the hall away from the meeting.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now