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So I'm trying to update more.

It had been a little over two week since Lily had gotten her black eye, and it had become a little joke for the Slytherin Quidditch team.

The young couple sat together on one of the couches, fingers entwined as they listened to Albus tell some story Lily and Scorpius both knew to be false.

"Sh*t I have to go." Scorpius whispered into Lily's ear, his blue eyes on the clock.

Lily glanced at him, brows furrowed clearly confused.

" I'm tutoring Emily... remember?" He whispered letting go of her hand.

Lily sighed, of course she remembered but she didn't like the idea.

Scorpius rolled his blue eyes growing irritated by the red head as he stood up.

He bid the small group good-bye before making his way to the library.

The black haired girl was to spot for the blonde. She was huddled in he and Lily's usually study spot.

"Hey." Scorpius said setting down his books.

The dark haired girl looked up at him,flashing him a smile. "Hey, thanks for agreeing to help me. I appreciate it." She told the blonde, overly sweet.

That was the first of their many tutoring sessions. With each one brought a jealous Lily, who doubted Emily's true motives. This caused Scorpius and Lily to have small spats.

"Lil all this is ridiculous." Scorpius scoffed glaring at the red head.

Lily met his glare with her own, "You know exactly how that girl is Scorpius, don't even tell me this is ridiculous." She fired back pushing her hair out of her face.

" Emily." He said flatly staring at Lily. " If you trusted me, you wouldn't be freaking out over something so petty." he replied standing up and leaving Lily.

Lily cursed to herself, resting her head in her hands. The red strands of hair fell in front of her face as she was left to her thoughts.

Scorpius walked besides Emily down the stairs, trying to cram in some Herbology before their test.

Lily was walking up the stairs on the opposite side, giving Scorpius a smile before she was even close to him

"Scorpius, you could always break up with Lily for me." Emily loudly said as Lily passed the two.

Over the past couple of weeks Emily had been hinting to Scorpius that she wanted more out of the study sessions, but Scorpius politely declined wanting to stay completely loyal to Lily. Which Emily obviously didn't take well and this was her way to personally get back at the tall blonde boy.

"What?" Scorpius stopped in the middle of his rambling, his blue gaze landed on Emily. " You're joking right?" He asked glaring at her. " I've already told you numerous times that wasn't happening" he spat.

But Lily was already past them and at the top of the stares, anger pulsing through her veins feeling stupid for allowing herself to love someone who'd do that.

"Is this some kind of sick joke Lily?" Scorpius asked sitting on the edge of the perfects' bathroom tub. He felt like he had been punched in the gut hearing Lily wanted to take a break.

The ginger shook her head in response, " I think it's for the best." she lied quietly,looking down hiding her tear stained face from the tall blonde.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now