Why didn't you tell me?

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"Scorpius..... Scorpius." Lily's voice brought me back from my flashback and my blue eyes stared at her. "Scorpius what's wrong?" She asked in a concerned tone. "Nothing, it nothing. Just thinking about what you said." I lied through my teeth, and she nodded in response turning back to her book.

I felt Lily nudge my arm, " Scorp can you help me with this?" She asked. I moved over and looked down at her work. I took her quill from her, my hand grazed with hers, earning red cheeks from both of us.

I jolted awake it's been a week since I helped Lily in the library, and every night since then I've had a realistic dream. I had a feeling that the attack on our school would  be soon, yet I still haven't told Lily.

I sat besides Lily at our table in the Great Hall,"Scorpius look." She said pointing to the article she had been engulfed in.The blood from my cheeks left as I read the article.

" DeathEater attack in Diagon Alley"

Last night a wand shop in Diagon Alley was raided by the thought gone group DeathEaters, followers of the late Dark Lord. 

I skimmed a little, this would explain why I haven't received a letter from my mother in awhile.

 "  Peculiar " I  replied slowly earning a glance from Lily and Albus. " You're telling me you know nothing about this? " Albus asked trying to keep the anger from his voice but was failing terribly. I narrowed my ice blue eyes, " I could ask you the same thing Potter, just because of my families past doesn't mean this has anything to do with us, you pretentious arse." I retorted pushing the paper towards the middle of the table getting up.

I glanced over my shoulder as I walked out of the Great Hall, my gaze catching Lily angrily  whispering to her brother before also leaving the table. I waited outside of the doors for the red head, I was sure I was falling for. I looked up hearing the sound of the wooden doors close and reached out softly grabbing Lily's forearm spinning her around so she'd be facing me.

 I watched as a faint shade of pink appearded on her cheeks,causing myself to smile before remebering what my purpose of spinning her around was. " Lily...I really need to talk to you. It's rather urgent. " I told her and she nodded,looping her arm through mine leading me outside.

I sat besides her on one of the benches,the lake in the distance infront of us. " What is it Scorpius?" I heard her ask bringing e from my thoughts. I took in a shaky breath of the crisp air,my ice blue eyes peering into her green ones. " The Deatheaters...they're planning an attack here." I said quickly. I felt Lily's fingers lace through mine although she said nothing. " Why didn't you tell me? " She asked softly. 

 " I'm telling you now. I didn't think they were serious. " My blue eyes searching her face for any reaction. " Why didn't you tell me sooner? " was all she said before turning to face me. " We need to tell McGonagall. " And I nodded in response.

I stood outside of McGonagall's door, staring at her name. Lily gave my hand a small squeeze before opening the door,leaving me alone to tell of the plans I had over heard.

I watched as the color of her face left as I told of the meeting,and her hand start to tremble a little bit. Maybe I should've told sooner. I felt horrible,knowing that she'd have to go through this a second time. " Mr. Malfoy, thank you for bringing this to my attention....you may leave." was all she said.

I laid on one of the couches in the Slytherin common room,my feet draped over Lily's knees as she read. I sat up hearing someone burst into the common room,Lily glanced at me before wee both looked towards the door. " Their here... " A 3rd year boy i recognized going by the name Derek pant out. Lily's hand found mine, " Who?" Someone demanded. " DeathEaters." Derek replied his face growing even more white if it were possible.

We stayed in the common room like told for what I estimated to be about 3 hours. That was until a group of DeathEaters made their way into our common room forcing us out into lines as we walked up the stairs. I glanced at Lily who was besides me and she gave me a weak attempt at a smile.

 Cliffhanger yay

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now