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My blue eyes flickered between the two of them as they spoke in hushed voice. Lily's eyes met mine and she looked away brushing some of her auburn hair forward covering her eye. I looked away sheepishly, wishing I hadn't attempted to eavesdrop. Obviously I wasn't meant to hear whatever they were talking about. I stared down at my hand , Madame Pomfrey opted to not use magic, rather let the cut health on its own. I looked up hearing footsteps approach me, and Lily leave. I could tell Madame Pomfrey believed just as much of Lily's story as I did.

I walked down the street of Hogsmeade alone. Most of the time I choose to be a loner, sure I had a lot of mates but it's just how I was I suppose. I liked it more anyways. Being alone. Left me time to think , which is what I've been doing a lot of. There were groups of students walking together along with couples, so it wasn't like I had the entire road to my self. The air was crisp, I knew winter would be right around the corner. Probably sooner this year then others.

Once at Three Broomsticks I found myself a nice little seat in the back. Engulfed the book I was reading, taking the occasional sip of my Butter beer. I looked up as I was getting a refill, just as the door opened. A rather angry looking Justin was followed in by Lily, who had her hair in her face as she followed him to the booth next to me. My blue eyes followed them until they sat down, Lily sat a small distance away from him until he said something. I moved my seat over a little so while it looked like I was reading I actually was paying attention to the two. Sure, something about Justin wasn't right before, everyone knew that, but he just seemed even more off. Lily also, she was usually bubbly and social but now she sat next to her boyfriend quiet and head down. It was rather upsetting seeing her like that. They each ordered something and as soon as they did, and the waitress was gone Justin grabbed Lily's wrist tightly and murmured something into her ear, in which she replied with a shaky nod. He let it drop harshly before looking up his gaze meeting mine. Hayden's jaw clenched as he pulled Lily to the door, letting it slam behind him.

I didn't do anything.

I don't know why I didn't.

I just sat there and watched.

God, I'm a disgrace.

It was now exactly a week later since our Hogsmeade trip, the next one not being until next weekend. It was Saturday morning and I sat in the Great Hall, I enjoy getting up earlier so there weren't many people down here. Quidditch try outs were soon, I've been on the team since my 3rd year as a chaser. I decided I'd spend my day getting ready for that with some people. But currently I was focused on eating, " Can I sit here?" a rather shaky

Lily Potter said. I just about dropped my fork as I nodded. And she did, I glanced at her sideways observing how the Slytherin sweater she was wearing was pulled down to her thumbs. " Do you want to come to the library with me later Scorpius?" Lily inquired as if nothing as wrong. " I need some help on my herbology work and it'd be lovely if you could help." She said before becoming quiet. I nodded giving her a small smile but she didn't return it, as that she wasn't even looking at me. " Sure." I said flatly finishing my breakfast.

I waited for Lily to finish hers, telling her there was no need to rush but she insisted on shoveling it into her mouth , claiming " That's how us Potters do it." I stood up and Lily pulled on my wrist like a little kid. As soon as she grabbed it she dropped it. " Bloody hell Lily." I heard Justin spat. " Come on!" He said taking her arm, which while doing so pulled up her sweater. Her arm had quiet a few bruises. Some old. Some new. It made me boil with rage. " What the hell Bosco. " I said raising my voice. Justin dropped Lily's hand stepping towards me. " Shut up Malfoy." He said peering down at me, hand raised as is he were to muggle fight me. He's breathing heaved as I reached for my wand.

" Justin."

" Justin."

" Mudblood." I spat , it wasn't a secret Justin was of Muggle blood of just wasn't a widely known fact.

" Justin damn it stop!"

I heard Lily say as Justin fist made contact with my cheek bone.


It did hurt.

" Come on." He snapped at Lily.

I stood there for a few seconds processing what had just happened. I nursed my cheek with one hand before leaving to find the two. The hallways were vacant, that was until I heard a faint cry. It was muffled, obviously being forced to be quiet. " Shut up, I swear Potter if you don't shut up much worse is going to happen." I heard Justin say before I heard him use his magic this time. Lily's scream echoed through the corridor and rang in my ears. It was awful. I sped up finding where they were. Justin had Lily against the wall, His wand at her throat, using various curses and smirking as she did anything remotely showing her pain. That was it.

I utterly lost it.

I took Justin by the shoulders slamming him into the wall, my wand at his throat.

Oh, how tables have turned.

" Little Malfoy." Justin taunted pushing me back.

We both shot curses at each other, each deflecting them.

My mind flashed back to a story my father had told me about. It was about a fight my father and Lily's had, had in the bathroom. He told me about the, then, unknown curse, sectumsempra. Basically what the curse does is creates gashes in the opponent causing them,if the counter curse Vulnera Sanentur wasn't used, to bled out. Now the spell is learned about but not used.

" I've got you now Malfoy." Justin said drawing his wand back.

I caught a glimpse of Lily and all my bottle up rage came out as I pointed my wand at Hayden. " Sectumsempra. " I said letting all my rage go with it. At first I hadn't realized what I had done. It mostly definitely was not the curse I had met to chose. My hands shaking, my wand dropped to my feet and I looked down seeing Justin's scarlet blood slowly pooling on the ground. His hand attempting to unbutton his once white shirt, crying out in pain. Lily stared at me, all the color from her face now gone and I assumed with mine also. My breathing started to increase and the halls were quiet other than Justin's cries of agony . I kneeled besides him attempting to stop the bleeding cursing to myself. I never learned the counter curse.

Oh god.

His face increasingly grew paler as his cries became louder. Lily was now gone, I assumed getting help.

It was a blur. Teachers came to the aid, I was pushed away hands,shirt and pants stained with blood. I never got the chance to change before I was practically dragged to Headmaster McGonagall's office. I was pushed in and the door shut behind me. " Mr.Malfoy ." I heard the older woman say getting to the point . " Don't be shy boy, sit. " She said pointing to the chair, rather relaxed about the situation. " Explain." Was all she said and I did.

I explained all of it.

At least all of what I knew.

Dearest Lily Luna Potter ( Scorpius Malfoy/ Lily Potter)Where stories live. Discover now