The return

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SO turns out im gonna carry this boy on. After months... years(?) So here it is.... the moment you've all been waiting for .... ~enjoy

Draco remained on the run; every news paper plastering his face across the front page reminding Scorpius every time he dare enters the library, of the deep pain the face gives him. Ever since the death of his mother, he found himself staring into his eyes in the mirror. Just staring, grimacing at the similarities thanks to those damn strong Malfoy genes. To say Scorpius hated himself was an understatement. His inability to love himself was a deep fault.

Lily was always there.

Always holding him when he needed it. 

Loving him when he couldn't love himself.

Assuring him that his beautiful blue eyes were exactly that.


But yet here he was, tears brimming the eyes that reminded him so much of his mothers murderer and his tormentor. The eyes that drew in that deep rooted self hatred. Hatred for not doing more, not saving his mother. Scorpius believed he deserved the stipulations of being a Malfoy. Being a no good traitor to his school, his friends, the people who've become his family. 

No matter what the boy could do, the trust from others still wasn't there.

Scorpius rested his forehead against the cool mirror closing his eyes, sighing deeply. He just wanted everything to get better.

His stomach rumbling brought him back to reality, the far away noises of dinner rang in his ears. He gathered himself before returning back to his seat, nestling himself close to Lily. 

He didn't waste time shoveling his food into his mouth, but he knew Lily could sense a disturbance within him. Her hand dropped to his thigh as an attempt to get his attention, giving him that gentle smile as if asking whether or not he was okay. To which he returned that smile, he was okay when he was in the presence of somebody who loved him as deeply as she could.

Scorpius sat on the floor of the common room, his back pressed against the cool damp wall besides the fire place. In his lap laid a worn out leather bound herbology book, the book of his favorite class, yet he just stared across the room blankly. Lily noticed this, she knew when that beautiful boy had the expression of nothing across his face everything in the world was going wrong for him. She knew she would need to talk to him.

" Scorpius love..." , She knelt down besides him gently cupping his cheek in her soft hand, rubbing her thumb under his eye. Her ginger hair falling into his face ever so slightly, just enough to gather him from his thoughts.

The once blank eyes lit up when they met her green ones. 

" I was just thinking...", Scorpius sighed, suddenly unable to meet Lily's gaze. 

She sat in front of him, looking to meet his gaze, she already knew what this would be about. She knew his brain like the back of her hand. 

"I could've saved her. I could've saved everyone from the pain my father caused..." He quietly let out before falling forward onto her shoulder. " I could have a mother right now if I wasn't such a useless bloke." 

Lily cradled her once lanky boyfriend, he now seemed like a small helpless child who needed his mother more than anything in the world. Which Scorpius did, he ached for the gentle warm touch of his mother. 

Scorpius silently wept onto Lily's shoulder as she quietly held him, he cried until he couldn't cry anymore. He let out all those feelings he kept stored up for so long, and when he finished he pressed his lips against Lily's catching her off guard. 

He took her cheeks into his hands and kissed her like he had never before. Her hand holding the back of his hair, leaving each other breathless.

" Lily I don't think you know just how much I love you." Scorpius whispered into her ear.

Scorpius took Lily's hand as the ran into the dark night together, trying to hold in his giggles of pure joy and love. This was becoming their thing, sneaking out and sitting in the nook of a willow tree besides the lake. The run left Scorpius breathless, both he and Lily's breathes were visible due to the chilly weather. 

"Sometimes I can't stand myself. I can't stand myself for being related to somebody who's caused so much pain. I can't stand being the last carrier of the Malfoy name. I wish that horrid name was long gone.", Scorpius told Lily not meeting her gaze in the moonlight. "I can't even look into the mirror without crying. I can not look at this god damn eyes without seeing my father.... Everything hurts so bad Lil, it's just this endless cycle." 

Lily for the first time didn't know what to say to him. She took his hand gently and turned his face to meet her own, his tear stained face visible.

"Scorpius you are the bravest person I know. You've been through more than anybody could imagine. You are so strong my love." She rubbed his cheek, "As for your eyes... they are so beautiful. They hold so much more than the pain your father has caused. Perhaps the blue is Draco, but the shape, the kindness your eyes hold; that is all your mother. You and your mother are one of the same and you always will be."

Scorpius nodded slowly in agreement.

"How about you tell me some more about this tree Scorp..." Lily offered with a gentle smile knowing  it would distract him from the bad thoughts.

Alright so I hope this was a good chapter. 

I'd like to write some more HP universe based stories, possibly even to do with the Fantastic beast movies. Let me know.... 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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