On The Run: Chapter 19

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'WAKE UPPP! FIRST DAY OF COLLEGE NATS!' Emma squealed. I swear to God, one day I was going to hit her over the head with an iron, how the fuck could someone have so much energy at 7:45 in the morning? Seriously? I opened one of my eyes as the light was so bright in my room.

'Wooo! I'm so excited! Not ONLY do I get to move in with you, but my mum's actually letting me start college with you here! This is so bloody great!' She clapped and jumped off my bed, grabbing her towel and walked out of the room. I rolled my eyes and covered my head with my pillow. I didn't even want to leave my house especially after what had just happened and now I had to start college? Fuck. My phone started ringing on my bedside table and I sat up, answering it.

'Hello?' I croaked.

'Yo Natalie, what time should I come get you two?'

'About 8:30, we would get there for 9:15 right?' I asked Trevan.

'Yeah yeah. David will be with me though, fucking prick came and knocked for me already.' I started laughing hard, I loved David. He just loved to annoy Trevan, it made him smile to piss Trevan off but Trevan's reactions were so funny.

'Aww, he's just being nice-'

'Nice? He's annoying. So you excited?' I sighed.

'To be honest, no... I just want to stay in my bed forever. My mum hates me, we argued yesterday and I know she meant what she said.' 

'What did she say?'

'She's glad I got raped, she wanted me to know how she felt.'

'Is she fucking crazy? Watch when I come to pick you up-'

'No, leave it. She's not here anyway, she's at my Gran's so yeah.' I said and chewed on my lip. 

'Wait... did you just say he raped you?' I swallowed hard, I didn't answer Trevan last night when he asked me if Jordan had forced me to do anything.

'Trevan please, I do NOT want to speak about it.' I heard him sigh. There was something really bothering me, I couldn't quite tell Trevan because I knew it would upset him.

'What else is going on Nat?' He asked, sensing that something wasn't quite right.

'I don't feel like I should say over the phone, when you come to get me we'll talk then.'

'Hmm... ite.'

'Erm, see you in a bit.'

'Ite bye.' I hung up and let out a deep sigh, how fucking great. I knew he was going to start acting funny because I hadn't said anything to him but that was how he always was. Emma came back into the bedroom and I got out of bed, I went to shower and brushed my teeth. By the time I came back into the bedroom, Emma was out. I picked out a high waisted skirt and a white top, my ankle boots and skin coloured tights. It was warm outside so I didn't really see the need to dress all cold, plus you could wear whatever you wanted to. I guess I was excited to see what new things I would experience at college but at the same time, I was scared incase I bumped into Jordan. I creamed, put my clothes on and sprayed some perfume. I straightened my hair and took out my front fringe for a change. I picked up my bag and phone, then went downstairs. 

I went into the front room and Emma had on high strappy pumps, they were bright pink and she was wearing some low cut, pink, short dress. My eyes bulged out of my head slightly as she looked in the mirror, plumping up her long blonde hair. She grinned at me when I walked in and I laughed lighty.

'Erm... Em, you might get sent home by the time we get to college?' She looked at me weirdly.

'What for?'

On The RunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz