On The Run: Chapter 21

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I quickly got ready after Isaiah left the room and brushed my hair, I put on a little bit of mascara and sat down on the bed. I assumed he was waiting for me downstairs after what had happened, that was so weird. I went downstairs after saying goodbye to my Gran and into the front room where he was sitting, he looked up at me once I walked in and smiled.

'Nat, erm-'

'We should be going to get Shanay now.' I said and he nodded, I reached my hand out and he smiled as he took it and we left. We walked to the bus stop talking and I kept getting screws and weird looks from other girls as if to say, what are you doing with him? We sat down on the bus at the back and I looked at him, he was looking out the window and he licked his lips, what the hell was wrong with me. I couldn't stop looking at him.

'So what you're going back tomorrow then?' He asked and I nodded, fiddling with my fingers.

'Yeah but I wish I could stay longer with you! I don't even want to go back there.' I said and he nodded, he put his arm round me.

'Stay over tonight then, my mum wouldn't mind.'

'I know, she gave me a spare key.' I said and we started laughing, whenever he laughed it showed off his dimples. I stopped laughing and looked at him as he smiled, he noticed I was looking at him and stared back at me.

'I can't believe you thought I was a virgin Natalie.' He said and I played with my hair.

'Leave me Isaiah, I realised you weren't!'

'You didn't know me then!'

'I did... I mean, you weren't expecting me to say I had.' He slowly shook his head.

'Not at all and I bet you regret it.' He said and I nodded.

'I wouldn't of made you regret it.' He said quietly and I looked at him, what did he mean by that?

'What?' I asked and he shrugged.

'I didn't say anything, come let's get off.' He said and we got off the bus, we walked to Shanay's friends house. I couldn't wait to see her she was a baby when they left so this would be new.

'Isaiah I really missed you, you know.' I said and he nodded.

'Me too... more than you would imagine.' He said and I smiled, we got to Shanay's friends and knocked on the door. A little girl with long black hair tied in one, hazel eyes and a light complexion opened the door.

'SHANAY, ISAIAH'S HERE!' She shouted and stared at Isaiah in a daze, I laughed to myself and he sighed. Shanay came to the front door and grinned once she saw me.

'Natalie!' She literally jumped on me and I hugged her, was surprised she remembered what I looked like seeing as she was only 1 or 2 when they moved.

'You okay Shay?' She nodded and grinned, she had the same dimples as Isaiah. They looked so alike it was scary except their hair was slightly different.

'I missed you Natalie! Can you stay tonight?' I looked at Isaiah and he nodded, I nodded at Shanay and she clapped excitedly.

'See ya tomorrow Destiny!'

'Bye Shanay, byeeee Isaiah!' She waved at him until we were walking away out of sight, he kissed his teeth.

'Annoying.' I found it cute that a little girl had a crush on him.

'She has a crush on you.' I said and he shrugged.

'Don't give a shit.'

'UMMM, you swore Isaiah! Mum told you not to say bad words EXspecially around me.' She said and I laughed at how she said especially, he pushed her to walk up and I screwed him. We all went to get some chicken and chips then went back to my Gran's so I could ask her to stay over at Isaiah's. I unlocked the front door and we all went upstairs, I knocked on my Gran's room door and we all went in.

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