On The Run: Chapter 2

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'Nat! Natalie! We're here!' My mum said and smiled looking out the window, I could only see graffiti over the nearby estates and our house was one of the only decent looking ones around. I saw a group of hooded boys at the end of the road and they looked as we parked up. Argh, I hated this. In a way it was good because I was closer to Star as she lived on the next road but I hated this area and I already missed Emma. Everyone got out of the car apart from me and my dad knocked on the window. I wound it down and stared at him blankly.

'Come on Natalie, why are you still sitting in the car? Everythings already in the house.' I rolled my eyes. I'm not getting out of this car. For one, those boys were literally staring at me although I was sitting in the car and I didn't want to move here. He sighed and took a few more bags out of the boot and took them inside the house. All of our furniture was here and everything, all the rooms were decorated but I hated this area. I wanted my old house, my old room, my old life! That was NEVER coming back but at least I was away from Harry. Thank heavens! I closed the car door once I got out and one of the boys on the other side of the road elbowed his friend, and they started watching me. One of them said something to the other who had a moheican, it looked rather nice. The one with the moheican jumped down off the wall and walked over to me whilst I was tying my laces. I stood up and he was just watching me.

'Excuse me, you see my friend over there?' He said and pointed to one with cainrows, he looked bloody scary! He was SO tall and muscular, he looked like a typical hoodrat well all of them did actually except he looked like he was 20 or something!

'Yeah him, he thinks your nice.' I shrugged.

'And?' He gave me a dirty look.

'It means he likes you,'

'So what exactly is the point? I don't know him.'

'Rahh, you white girls are fucking stoosh man.' I looked back at him, how dare he!

'White chicks? And I don't even know you or your friend so don't judge me.'

'Ite, you ain't even that nice.' He said and laughed.

'Really? Well your face makes me sick. I don't know you, infact why am I still talking to you? You've wasted 5 minutes of my life with your bullshit.' He looked like he wanted to punch me.

'You're so lucky you're a girl.' He said with his jaw clenched, I swallowed hard and I quickly walked off into the house not before quickly locking the car. I shut the door and kicked off my converses. I went up to my new room and looked around, it looked similar to my old one except this was lilac and white, my old room was pink. I walked over to my window and those boys were still outside, the one who spoke to me screwed me hard and looked away. Well I take it he doesn't like me very much. His friend still winked at me and I shuddered and closed my blinds. Just then my phone started ringing and Star's name came up.


'BABY! You alright Nats?'

'Um not really, I think I'm going to die within the next week.' I heard her laughing and I sighed.

'How comes?'

'I've already made an enemy with a boy, he told me his friend thinks I'm nice and I just told him what I thought.'

'Natalie! You and your mouth! You're gonna get shot, or beaten up if you chat to other girls like that and even some boys won't hold back.' My eyes widened.

'See! This is why I'm trying to do everything on my to do list before I die, my mum told me to watch my mouth.'

'You really should babe, anyway I'm coming over in a little while! You can describe this breh to me.'

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