On The Run: Chapter 12

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I continued staring at my phone and suddenly Emma threw her magazine at my head.

"Oi! I'm talking to you, you're sitting there completely ignoring me." She said and tutted, I didn't pay her any attention. Why couldn't I respond? My whole body literally froze once I heard his voice, I wanted to talk but the words wouldn't escape my mouth. My stomach started going funny again but this time it wasn't for me to be sick, it felt like butterflies?

"Oh my god, fine, fine just ignore me! If it's still those sick bastards calling you from abroad, get over it! You're acting like you just got robbed well I guess you might of already experienced that-"

"JUST SHUT UP! ALL YOU'VE DONE SINCE I'VE GOT HERE IS CHAT, CHAT UTTER SHIT! BADMOUTH BLACK PEOPLE AND CALL ME FAT! I'M FINE AND NO, I'VE NEVER BEEN ROBBED OKAY?!" I shouted and her light blue eyes were wide with shock, she nodded slowly and I sighed.

"That's better. Now, if you don't mind I need to rest Emma."

"Food poisoning right? I wouldn't be suprised, you know those Chinese people eat dog? They eat a fucking dog! If anyone tried to cook Crumble I'd kill them." I rolled my eyes.

"I totally forgot you had a dog-"

"Oh my gosh! You forgot about Crumble? I should of brought him along, I always keep him indoors you never know who'd grab your purse." She said tutting.

"Why is a dog in your bag anyway?"

"So he's close to me, what do you think I'd put him on a lead or something? Let him walk?!" She started laughing hysterically, I looked at her as if she were crazy.

"Um... so anyway, I'm hungry."

"You just ate not too long ago."

"Mm, I just feel a bit peckish."

"Let me order you a pizza, then I'll have to go because I've got a date." She said grinning and I laughed lightly.

"With who?"

"My sisters ex, can't remember his name but yeah, I'll see you later chick." She winked and pulled her skirt down as she got up dialling the pizza number for me. She left soon after and I rested my head back on my pillow. I held my phone tightly in my hand glaring at the screen praying that maybe Jamal would decide to call back; I just didn't know why I reacted that way. I scrolled through my contacts past Jamal's name and called the person I thought I could talk to right now but it went straight to voicemail. Normally Trevan's phone was never off... how strange. I tried Star and I couldn't get through to her, I was literally bored out of my mind. At least with Emma here it was someone to listen to but I didn't have anyone else. I went downstairs where Gran was busy watching tv, she looked up and smiled at me.

"I left your mother a message, she hasn't bothered to call." I sighed and sat on the sofa next to her and she hugged me tightly.

"Coraggio." I smiled to myself, I did need to be brave, she was right. She kissed the top of my head and played with my hair.

"Don't you think this needs a cut?" I sat up and it had fully grown past my chest, I did want a change but I guess now wasn't the right time. I knew I needed to tell my Gran that I was pregnant but I knew how disappointed she would be in me, exactly how I felt about myself.

"Um, Gran I have something to tell you..." I said and turned to face her, she looked at me intently and nodded for me to continue.

"I know you'll be disappointed, I am too... I just regret what I did, it was honestly the biggest mistake I've ever made in my life-"

"I already know you're pregnant Natalie." She said without a hint of anger in her voice, a tear fell from my eye and they widened.

"Huh? How?"

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