On The Run: Chapter 17

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'Woah, I didn't know you had a crazy side. You hot tempered Italian.' Star said and both she and Emma laughed. My mouth barely twitched and I continued staring out of my bedroom window, I was still pissed off about what Shontae had said and done to break Jamal and I up. It seemed to be the only thing on my mind lately and it was really affecting my mood. 

‘Babe, you aren’t still thinking about him are you?’ Emma asked and they both looked at me, I shook my head but that was an obvious lie.

‘There are plenty more fish in the sea!’ Emma said and smiled at me, I gave her a small smile back and the doorbell went. I got up and went downstairs to open the door, Trevan was standing there and he smiled at me. I smiled back and he hugged me tightly.

‘What’s up with you?’ He asked.

‘Nothing... just thinking that’s all.’

‘I hope it’s not about that dickhead.’

‘Well... kind of, I just can’t believe he’d rather chuck our relationship down the drain for a quickie with the local hoe.’ He laughed lightly.

'Just shows you what kind of person Jamal is.' I gestured for him to come inside and I closed the front door behind him just as I was walking up the stairs he held my hand and I turned around to face him.

'So we need to talk.' He said smirking slightly and I smiled.

'What about?'

'You know what, I don't wanna bait it out when they leave we can have a proper talk... alone.' He winked and I laughed, we both went back up to my room and Emma grinned once she saw Trevan.

'I really love your hair, it's so wavy and ooh I could just lick it.' We all looked at her weirdly and she giggled.

'Don't you ever get those urges to just lick something it looks so good?' Everyone stayed silent and she played with her hair.

'Oh nevermind then... you owe me a pair of jimmy choo's just so you know.' She said to Trevan and he raised his eyebrow.


'Yes you! It was in YOUR area that I was chased and someone said a racist comment to me and my dear friend Natalie.' Star was sitting there laughing and Trevan shook his head.

'It wasn't MY fault, blame Jamal if you wanna blame anyone.'

'Oh that dipshit! I'll have a word with him too! My shoes were bloody expensive, they mean a lot to me you know!'

'Yup, I'm sure they do... so shouldn't you guys be going out to get us some pizza or something?' Trevan said looking at them both and Star looked at him suspiciously.

'Why go out and get it when you can have it delivered?'

'Um, I'm out of milk... could you pop out and get me some please?' I asked smiling innocently and Emma flicked her hair and flipped through her magazine. Star looked back and forth between me and Trevan and her mouth dropped.

'YOU TWO ARE BEATING AREN'T YOU?!' My eyes widened and I shook my head.


'Aye why did you say no like that?!' Trevan said and I gasped.

'I've only had sex once!'

'And you got impregnated...' Emma said quietly. I looked at her and she smiled then turned her head away.

'So why do you want us to leave the house?'

'I just told you I'm out of milk?!'

'Sooo? You can go get it!' She said and Trevan screwed her.

On The RunOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora