On The Run: Chapter 9

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"You're going to your nans Natalie!" Mum said once she'd woken me up and gotten me a glass of water. I still felt sick and my head was hurting, her going on wasn't helping either.

"Why are you sending me there? I'm not your daughter anymore remember?" She sighed and sat next to me looking at me and slowly shaking her head.

"They've changed you Natalie..." I rolled my eyes and quickly stood up, a bit too quickly. I nearly lost my balance and had to compose myself before walking towards the front door.

"No mum, I'm not you."

"I haven't changed-"

"I HAVEN'T CHANGED! YOU HAVE! I haven't done ANYTHING!" I shouted.

"You HAVE changed Natalie! You wouldn't DARE raise your voice to me or even think about roaming around the streets but you do now."

"And who's fault is that?" I said and she raised her hand to slap me but froze.

"Go on, slap me then! You've done it before!" She lowered her hand whilst shaking her head.

"You're not even worth it."

"Why? Because my dad is part bla-"

"That's besides the point."


"Natalie I'm warning you-"

"Warning me?! I don't care! You make me SICK and I pray to God I'm a better mother to my child than you are to me." I said looking her up and down and Dylan ran down the stairs looking worried. He looked at me and frowned.

"Why do you look different? You look weird." He asked and I shook my head, I thought I still looked normal. I then looked at my mum and her eyes were wide, she covered her mouth and a tear ran down her cheek.

"Natalie... oh no... no..." I raised my eyebrow and just sighed before walking out of the house and to the bus stop. I waited for a while and I got on the bus once it came, I got off near Trevan's and started walking. It was getting quite dark now, I hated being out when it was dark in this area considering I still didn't know who was in my wardrobe that time. I heard something crack behind me and I turned around, only for my face to connect with someone's fist. It knocked me backwards and I held onto the side of a wall. Their hood dropped off and my eyes widened once I saw it was Khai.

"What have I-" He gripped me tightly by my neck and pushed me against the wall glaring at me.

"So you think you're brave for hitting me yeah? I'm not someone you fuck about with Natalie." I raised my eyebrow and he gripped onto my neck tighter.

"L-Let me go!"

"I don't know what shit you're telling Star about me but it stops now, she belongs to me not that prick."

"You're fucked up." I said and he punched me hard again in my face, blood started running down from my nose and I held onto it. He gave me a dirty look before walking off and my throat starting hurting from where he'd gripped it. I rubbed it and started walking back to Trevan's with my bloody nose and sore neck. I knocked once I got back and he opened the door, his eyes widened and he pulled me inside.

"What the fuck happened to you?" I shrugged and went upstairs to the bathroom, I cleaned up my nose and then I looked in the mirror, I could see the red marks around my neck. They were clearly visible so I didn't know how to explain them. Maybe by saying, oh I got strangled by my best friends ex, I'm not sure why though. That would be a stupid reason, I heard footsteps behind me and then Trevan stopped and leaned against the sink watching me.

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