On The Run: Chapter 11

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I ran downstairs and into the kitchen for something to eat only to see Jordan in there on the phone but as soon as he saw me coming he ended the call and smiled.

"You alright J?" I nodded and made myself some coco pops seeing as that was the only thing in the kitchen to eat.

"When you gonna get off your lazy ass and go shopping man?" I said to Jordan and he laughed.

"Me? You can do that, I've got stuff to do blud."

"I don't care man. Everything is always left to me." He just laughed and shook his head and as he was leaving he clicked his fingers and turned around smirking.

"Ahh it must of slipped my mind like a few days ago, I saw your chick putting suitcases in a car." I looked at him blankly and shrugged.


"So someone told me, she's left. For good, I must of completely forgot to mention it to you, my bad. I'm gone." He said and pulled up his hood as he walking out of the house. I pushed the bowl off the side and it smashed to pieces on the floor, I slammed the front door shut behind me and walked to Trevan's since he didn't live that far from me. I knocked and as soon as he opened the door his fist connected with my face, knocking me backwards. I didn't come here looking for a fight, this prick was lucky I didn't just take him to Jordan and done.

"FUCKING WASTEMAN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" He shouted and I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Is it true?"

"Is what true?"

"Natalie... did she leave?" He raised his eyebrows and started laughing.

"Oh so NOW you wanna come check see if she's left? If you cared about her so fucking much you should go after her then, she's carrying your baby you prick!"

"I know man! I just wanted to know!"

"Yes she has left! She doesn't want anything to do with you, she told me. She left because she doesn't want you around her." He said and I could tell he was lying, I wanted to punch him but I held back my anger.

"Don't lie... you're bitter you know that?" He scoffed and shook his head.

"And you're a sorry excuse for a man you know that Jamal? You left the girl on her ones! She's fucking pregnant, with your yout! Not some other mans."

"Could be yours though." I said and he screwed.

"What? How could it be mine?"

"I tried not to listen to them rumours but how you're acting is starting to make me think twice?"

"To doubt Natalie? To doubt me? Blud, I'm your-"

"Nah, you was. But forget you, all I'm saying is watch your back."

"Why you being a moist prick for? All of this over a girl?"

"Nah not even, this has nothing to deal with Natalie. If I were you I'd make myself disappear for at least a week or two, in a bit of money trouble?" I said smirking and his face changed.

"How do you know?"

"Jordan, he asked me to do the job personally. I ain't gonna do that to you though Trevan, you're like blood to me."

"Ite, safe."

"But you're not safe are you? Leave at around 9, tell your mum you're going to stay with Natalie or something." He nodded and I turned around to carry on walking.

"Aye Jamal." He called after me, I turned back around.

"Thanks for that."

"It's ite."

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