On The Run: Chapter 25

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These are my confessions..

'What's wrong?' I asked Isaiah whilst he drove me back to my Gran's, he shook his head slowly and I sighed. My mum had embarrassed me infront of everyone and for no reason, I was kicked out infront of my boyfried whilst one of my supposedly best friends stood by and just watched it happen.

'Who's test was that then?' He asked and I shrugged, he rolled his eyes and I looked at him.

'It isn't mine! I hope you're not trying to get at that-'

'I'm not, I simply asked you a question init.'

'Why did you ask if it was mine?'

'I'm just asking a fucking question man, forget it now.' He said and kissed his teeth, I rested my head against the window and looked out. I couldn't be bothered with him when he was acting like that. I wanted to know who's it was myself, I had a feeling deep down but I just didn't want to believe it because she was sensible but I knew something was bugging her.

'Isaiah, why are you being off with me?' I asked him and he slowly shook his head.

'What you talking bout?'

'You're silent! You're ignoring me and-'

'Natalie I'm just praying that if you ever think you are pregnant with my baby, you'd tell me. That's all I'm saying.' I rolled my eyes and he pulled up outside my Gran's house.

'I'm NOT pregnant Isaiah, it wasn't mine! The fact you think I'd keep that from you and you genuinely think I am! I told you what my mother was like, she hates me, she wouldn't give me the time of day!' I said and he sighed.

'I know, baby I'm sorry-'

'Whatever.' I got out the car and slammed the door shut, he got out too and tried to help take some of my bags out of the boot but I slapped his hands away and he kissed his teeth.

'Lowe being a bitch about it.'

'Go away please.' I said and closed his boot, I picked up all of my bags and run my Gran's doorbell, he drove away straight away and I took a deep breath. Trying to compose myself before my Gran opened the door. I didn't want to put all of this stress on her especially since she was going into hospital in two days. I sighed and knocked on the door, I waited for a short while before she opened the door and peered her head round, she saw me standing there and frowned slightly in shock.

'Nat? I just sent you home, have you forgotten something?'

'Mum kicked me out.' I said and she gasped.

'Why bambina I thought I told you to sort things out? I can't even care for you properly I can barely look after myself oh no.' She said and opened the door wider, I picked up my things and moved the bags inside, I could tell my Gran was distraught that my mum and I's relationship had gone beyond repair. I hated her. Gran hugged me tightly and sighed.

'Why did she kick you out?'

'She found a positive pregnancy test and she thinks its mine, my best friend let me take the blame for it and now she's kicked me out! Isaiah doesn't believe it isn't mine I can tell, ugh everything is just a mess Gran.' I said and she slowly shook her head.

'Your mother was looking for an excuse to kick you out and I'm sure if you explain to Isaiah, he'll understand.'

'Gran he thinks I wouldn't tell him if I was carrying his child-'

'I'm sure he does, he was probably just as shocked as you were to see that happen.' I nodded, I guess he had a right to be. I'd go round later and sort things out with him, right now I just wanted to be with my Gran and away from people who made my stress level rise. I hadn't done ANYTHING wrong and I was kicked out of my home, Emma stood there knowing I'd done nothing and let me take the blame. I took my things upstairs and Gran followed behind me.

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