On The Run: Chapter 4

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"I still don't get why you don't like Khai." Star said whilst we were in english, Kyla laughed and as usual Shontae sat there with her face screwed up. Whenever I wasn't around she was normal but I seemed to dampen her mood.

"He's weird! He's a 20 year old man going after a 16 year old, tell me that isn't odd?" I asked Star and she shrugged.

"Well, he's a really nice person and I like him."

"Yeah like none of us could tell." Kyla said and laughed. She was Khai's younger sister and was the same age as Star, Shontae, David, Andre and I. Trevan and Jamal were both 17 and Khai was 20. Some of the other boys were around 19/18. I'd spent a lot of time around them all recently and it was actually quite fun. The rest went to the sixth form in this school, I just wanted year 11 to finish and it was soon so that was all good.

"What about Nats and Jamal?" Kyla said, her and Star exchanged glances and started laughing.

"Jamal is so hot headed and arrogant, Trevan even tried telling him that he likes you and he flipped out at him." I raised my eyebrow. He scared me. Maybe that was why I was so intrigued by his eyes? I don't know. You could tell a lot about somebody from their eyes.

"Mm..." Suddenly Shontae decided to speak.

"Aye guess what Jamal said to me." She said and Kyla and Star looked at each other before looking at her.

"What?" Star asked.

"He wants to speak to me, I think it might be about us giving it a go." Why did my heart just suddenly twinge in pain? There wasn't a need for it to. Star rolled her eyes and Kyla laughed.

"Oh wow Shontae you are full of so much shit."

"Really? Read this then." She passed her phone to Star and both Kyla and I peered over to read it, she was right. All it said was he wanted to speak to her soon, nothing else. Our teacher was busy reading a newspaper so it was all good.

"Hmm... might be about something else." Kyla said and passed the phone back.

"I doubt it," Just then the bell went and she got up and left the room. We all looked at each other and Kyla started laughing.

"Check your phone Natalie." She said once we got outside and I saw I had a text from some number I didn't recognise.

I need to talk to u


I frowned, how did he get my number? I glared at Star and she looked away from me quickly. Us three sat down on the bench and watched as the boys played football.

"How did Jamal get my number?" I asked them both, mainly Star.

"I sort of put it in his phone and told him to sort out whatever was going on between you two." I rolled my eyes. Great! I didn't want to speak to him! Speaking of the devil, Trevan and Jamal came walking towards us and Trevan hugged me.

"Natalie-Ben! How are you babes?" He asked sitting next to me, I laughed and I could feel Jamal screwing me. I honestly didn't understand this boy, one minute he was willing to talk and the next he was screwing me, but his screws actually hurt me.

"I'm fine thanks, you?"

"Good, yeah I'm alright you know... I say we go to a rave again." I shook my head, I just remembered when we were dancing and we both started laughing.

"Not after last time."

"Ahh why not? You were good trust me, I'm not even just saying it."

"Aww well thanks, that's really nice of you." He smiled and Jamal cleared his throat, he looked at me then started walking off signalling for me to follow him. Kyla and Star gave me a thumbs up and I ran to catch up with him.

On The RunOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz