On The Run: Chapter 5

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A month later...

"Natalie! Che cosa vi dico?!" My mum shouted up the stairs, I ignored her as I'd been doing usually and turned my music up louder. I'd had Alicia Keys' album on replay for the past week, the song that was stuck in my head the most was That's How Strong My Love Is. Yet, I was so annoyed and let down by Jamal I couldn't even explain, David said to me "don't mention it and carry on as normal, they'll be back soon." He lied. Star was even beginning to get worried, she said Khai would take care of them all so there wouldn't be anything to worry about but they'd stopped investigating the boys death. For whatever reason they stabbed him for; they could come back now. I threw a few bits of clothes into my bag and some of my hair stuff, as well as make-up. I was going to stay with my Gran for the weekend and she lived back in my old area; that was exactly where I needed to be. Away from all of this drama that had been happening. I went downstairs and my mum was busy ironing and watching Maury at the same time.

"He obviously isn't the dad! Look at the baby!" She said and shook her head. I cleared my throat and she stopped ironing and looked at me.

"Yes Natalie?"

"When are you taking me to Gran's?"

"Once I finish. It's good you want to get away from these hooligans, I don't know why in the hell I bothered to move here. Oh yeah, your father." I rolled my eyes, why did she always blame him for everything?

"These people aren't hooligans, they're just like you or I."

"No, correction they're black. So therefore they aren't like you or I, don't compare me to-"

"JUST STOP! YOU'VE NEVER GOT ANYTHING NICE TO SAY!" I shouted and she frowned.

"Excuse me? Who are you raising your voice at?" I started to calm back down, it got to me whenever she degrades my friends, as though they're nothing.

"Sorry. There's no need for it."

"For what? I just don't want you turning out like Star, her mother allowing her to colour her hair all the time and dress like a whore."


"Of course you'd say that, those black people are making you think that sort of stuff is okay, well it isn't Natalie and if I see you near any of those boys. First flight to Italy, mark my words." She said glaring at me, those types of glares which meant she wasn't joking.

"I wouldn't."

"Good, you're to marry a rich Italian young man. One who knows who to treat you right, maybe an athlete."

"Black people are good athletes too you know mum." She laughed.

"Mm... the only reason they're fast is because they're running away from each other with knives." My mouth dropped.

"That was uncalled for, not every black person is like that."

"I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath on speaking about those people to you, choose your friends wisely Natalie because I don't want you to be bringing a black mans baby into my house, understand me?" I looked away from her and left the room before I smashed that hot iron into her face. I went outside with my bag and my phone beeped in my pocket.

Up to sleepova mine later?

Kyla's comin hit me back beauty!

-Star xx

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket, Dylan finally came outside not long followed by my mum and she unlocked the car for us. We got in and drove to my Gran's in silence, I just wanted to get there and be away from her. We eventually pulled up outside an hour later and I got out and rung the bell, she answered and pulled me in for a hug. It was getting late so after catching up I got ready for bed.

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