Together - Prolougue

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Together- Prolougue

'Okay, I'll see you tomorrow' said Dan as he logged off Skype, trying to hide his excitement as he spoke. AmazingPhil, the AmazingPhil, asked to meet him. He could barely contain his glee. His hands slightly twitched and his heart was beating with every intake of air, he could hear the faint thud under his chest explode with Adrenalin.

All that went through Dan's head was 'God, you're lucky. Is this even real, am I dreaming?' Only months ago it was a one sided convocation Between him and Phil. Phil vlogged while Dan watched, Dan was just another FanGirl trying to get noticed by his YouTube idol...and then he was. Then suddenly Dan was talking back to Phil, it was still via camera, but he could finally respond. Why him? What made him so special? What made him stand out over all of Phil's fans?

It did not matter why he was noticed anymore to Dan, all that mattered is that he was noticed! So noticed that Phil, AmazingPhil, was willing to come to Manchester to properly meet them. An event thousands of teenagers could only dream of, but it wasn't a dream, this was happening!

'Dan...why are you smiling so much?' remarked a familiar voice.

'Oh, nothing mum' he didn't quite feel comfortable telling his mum yet, or anyone, he knew they would disapprove of what he really is.

'I'll probably be out a while tomorrow, just to let you know' Dan continued, sliding his slender fingers through his unstraightened fringe.

'Why? Where are you going?' she snapped, she was obviously annoyed.

'Just into town, I need to run a few errands'

'With who?'

'No one...mum, I'm 19! Can I not leave the house without an interrogation?' Dan responded, trying to inflict slight gilt.

'Fine...goodnight' she huffed and slowly left Dan's room, pulling the door shut.

Maybe he should get to sleep, it was only 11:30 but tomorrow was a huge day. But how could he get to sleep while Tremors of excited leaked into
his body with every heartbeat, leaving a knot in his chest.

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